If I said I was going to "pinch a loaf", would you know what I was talking about?

Just wondering, because it’s a phrase you don’t seem to hear much anymore.

I learned the term from a Cheech and Chong album when I was a kid.

Yes, but I’ve only seen it here on the boards. I’ve never heard anybody IRL use the term.

Taking a dump, a crap, a shit…yep, common as.

But pinching a loaf is quaintly SDMB IMHO.


I’ll be dropping the kids off at the pool, all right.


“An inch of pinch, please.”

Now pardon me, I need to go twist off a log. Gotta give birth to some butt monsters.

You are going to steal some bread, like a Dickensian urchin.

Not really. It’s a crude phrase for having a poo.

Well at least it doesn’t actually mention shit, unlike “having a poo”.

That’s about the time period I remember the phrase from too. I haven’t thought about or heard it in years.

yes you’re talking about pooping
I don’t remember where I learned it

Why do they call it taking a dump? After all you aren’t taking it anywhere.


In fact they explain the term in the bit.

Taking the Browns to the Super Bowl.

I first heard the pinch a loaf phrase used IRL back when I was in the military, where you’d meet lots of guys from different walks of life.

yes, the last time i heard it was in a commercial for a toilet spray. the one i’ve not heard before is “cut a rope (at a party)”.

Yes thanks to Shawshank Redemption

Yes, 24601, the meaning is clear. And you shall be pursued for ever.

Funny. My first impression was the bread thing too. Then I thought…


Is this an American phrase?
I’ve never heard of it here in the UK…

You mean “giving birth to a bosun’s mate”?

Yes, and I really, really hate it. Blech.