I want to see a wild moose!

Hello, moose fans. Where would be the best place in North America for me to see and photograph a wild moose?

If possible, I’d like to shoehorn this moose viewing into a potential summer trip next year, we’ll be in Minnesota in early June, and would also like to catch a Women’s World Cup match in Canada in the same month.

Am I fooling myself, or is this a possibility?

in northern Minnesota you might see moose, elk or lions.

though the population has declined. Maine has more.

Come to northern NH or Maine, and there are moose tours in the evenings with 95+% success records. It’s not hard to spot a moose near dusk along Moose Alley (Rt 16 north of Berlin), you can almost guarantee it.

Wi nøt trei a høliday in Sweden this yër?
See the løveli lakes
The wøndërful telephøne system
And mäni interesting furry animals
Including the majestik møøse

Best place I’ve been for moose sightings has been around the Grand Tetons. There best/easiest sighting I had was three subault males that wandered around the campground at Gros Ventre at dawn and dusk. The moose seemed pretty nonchalant about it, calmly cruising through people’s campsites…but everyone was wise enough to give them a wide berth. They would lounge by the river during the heat of the day; The riverbank was high enough there so you could climb up for a bird’s eye view of them. Pretty neat.

This Wikipedia article includes range. Northern Minnesota and Canada are both areas where you are likely to see Moose. I’d look for park areas near your intended destinations and plan on some nature time.

If you want to range a little wider, you could work in something like Yellowstone. :smiley:

Drive the Trans-Canada Highway between Sudbury and Winnipeg. Some friends are doing this, and they saw one crossing the road a couple of days ago.

It was bigger than their Fiat. :slight_smile:

I will second that but make it even more specific. New Hampshire can surely produce moose for you in general but the Kancamagus Highway is your most sure-fire bet. Even if you don’t see one (unlikely), it is still one of the wildest and most pristine stretches of wilderness this side of Alaska. When I lived in nearby Vermont, my family flew up and insisted on seeing moose so I sent them there. They saw several including some young ones. You can see them basically on demand on that remote stretch of road but fill up your car before you go. There are no real stores or gas stations for many miles and that adds up for a round-trip. Besides the moose, there is a reason that stretch of road is so protected. It is gorgeous and pristine, New Hampshire is a vastly underrated state.

A visit to Frostbite Falls, Minnesota might offer some moose encounter. Is flying sqvirrel there too!

Is that nøt the Nøble Mudjøkøvis?

*The Modern Hiawatha
By George A. Strong

He killed the noble Mudjokovis,
With the skin he made him mittens,
Made them with the fur side inside,
Made them with the skin side outside,
He, to get the warm side inside,
Put the inside skin side outside;
He, to get the cold side outside,
Put the warm side fur side inside;
That’s why he put the fur side inside,
Why he put the skin side outside,
Why he turned them inside outside.*

But why did the moose cross the road?

They were driving between Sudbury and Winnipeg in a Fiat? Braver than I am, and I’ve driven that route a number of times. Note that that’s a distance of about 1500 km/900 miles, and the distance between gas stations can be great in spots–there is a Shell station in Upsala, Ontario that knows this, and prices its gas accordingly. My Chevy truck’s tank is big enough that I can avoid that Shell, but I doubt a Fiat could.

Back to the OP: I’ve seen moose in northern Ontario, southern Manitoba, and in Newfoundland. I’ve certainly seen elk (easily mistaken for moose) here in Alberta, most notably in and around Banff; so if you’re not picky about large ungulates, you might consider that as well.

And if you’re interested in bears, Alberta, Canada’s Waterton National Park/Montana, USA’s Glacier National Park is the place to go to see grizzly bears. Most times I’ve been to Waterton (it’s an hour-and-change away, and a nice weekend getaway), I’ve seen grizzlies.

I will go with places I’ve seen moose without making any special effort to do so:

  1. The aforementioned Grand Tetons

  2. In front of the BP building in downtown Anchorage, Alaska (two females; apparently they neglected to bring their ID badges, so were just sort of hanging around the entrance).

In addition to the above, all my Newfie friends constantly talk about all the times they’ve nearly hit moose on the trans-Canada, so it would seem anywhere outside St. John’s will do.

Better. They’re driving from the Greater Toronto Area to Haida Gwaii. And back. 5000 km one way. :slight_smile:

Don’t come to Australia, no moose here.

But if you perchance wish to see a dropbear…


Lots of mooses in Alaska. I startled one along the McCarthy road a few weeks ago, and instead of getting out of the road, it ran straight down it just ahead of my car for a good 45 seconds or so before finally diving into the underbrush on one side. Silly moose!

My yard is pretty good :smiley: That’s Fredrick.

I saw three moose on the Gunflint Trail in northern Minnesota. The Gunflint Trail is a road going north out of Grand Marais. The three moose appeared to be a mother, father, and child. Big as hell. I think moose are fairly common there.

Also saw a couple driving through Maine and Nova Scotia one summer trip. Got a picture of the one in Nova Scotia.

If you encounter one, make sure it knows you are there and give it plenty of space. They are generally fairly tame, and not particularly stupid animals, but they have poor eyesight and seem to be aware of how big they are; if startled they are likely to just charge at you rather than run away. If they do charge at you, it’s most likely just a bluff, but you don’t want to wait around to find out. But really, the most likely scenario is they’ll just ignore you.

Drive the backcountry in Maine, preferably at night at high speeds, and your chances of a moose encounter are pretty good. :frowning: