Otherkin? WTF?

This reminds me of the “plushy” movement for some reason, except of course more inclined to attract people who frequent rennaissance festivals and glass trinket shops:


Incidentally this reminds of something Ward Churchill (Native American writer) wrote about one of the many reasons why he hated the men’s movement. Why is it that none of these white men who’ve “discovered their totem” ever
pick an animal besides wolf or bear? You don’t see Joe Ad Exec banging away on a drum, talking about how he’s discovered his spirit guide, Bubbles the Tree Squirrel.

Likewise, I wonder if this is happening so frequently, why more people aren’t “awakening” to find out they’re actually earwigs or mud elementals or something like that–awfully convenient that it’s all “c00l,” dungeons and dragons-like races. Hmm…


I grew out of that before I was fourteen!!

My otherkin totem…

Hmmm…Let’s see. It needs to be something big, ugly, and bad-tempered.

A giant? No…

Troll? No…

How about an og…I have it!

A bear.

I was hoping the link would be a site that would assign an “Otherkin” to me. Darn, I was hoping for a turtle, maybe even the Great Turtle himself! … or maybe a hamster,
but it has to be a chinese dwarf.

The average age of the Otherkin seem to be late teens/early twenties…interesting. We as Western Society seem to have been quite successful at that delayed adolescence thing - with once again mixed results.

I’d’ve found it slightly more rational if they stuck to beings that belonged to the semi-traditional mythos of antiquity (y’know, Sidhe, ogres, trolls, nagas, kitsune, etcetera, herein referred to as mythological creatures). However, whatever small shred of tolerance was left was removed by basing Otherkin types on books I’ve read. These being fictional creatures. Neat bits of foot-shuffling to cover that - apparently these authors are tuned into alternate universes.

I’m sorry, but this is just silly. Tinfoil-hat-wearing, waaaay-out-in-left-field silly.

I wonder if Gail Baudino and Mercedes Lackey know about this? And what they think?

I also wanna know if this is a purely North American phenomenon. Probably.

And I want to know how many of these people hang onto their beliefs past the age of ohh, forty I guess.

I will now channel for you my inner dog,
::sniff sniff::

Rowf! Rowf! Rowf, rowf, rowf, rowf, rowf!!!

Pooch-Rah has spoken.

I’m also kind of curious as to what, exactly, these other people do in real life. Could it be possible that I’m working next to (gasp) an elf? :smiley:

“You’re not an accountant! You’re a dragon! Get my axe!”

Personally, I choked when I saw “Drow” listed. Boy, I never knew I could be the living incarnation of Drizzt Do’urden. I would be cooool.

Yeah but with myluck, I’d be Zaknafien and what fun would that be?

Same as those who claim in a previous life to have been this king or that artist or the other inventor… no one was ever a thief or a common laborer or an unlucky hunter who was devoured by his prey. Face it, if you’re gonna play a part, play a good part…