Daredevil on Netflix viewing thread (open spoilers)

Note: Not open spoilers as it airs, but rather open spoilers in general, since all 13 episodes are available right now.

Thoughts? Opinions? Praises? Critiques?

I just read the review on tv.com and will have to resubscribe for this.

I hope it’s as good as all the reviews say. According to just about every review I’ve read, it’s fantastic.

My husband and I watched the first episode last night (we’re bingeing the rest this weekend) and we both liked it.

I rolled my eyes at the “I’ll take my sunglasses off when I talk about personal things, and then snap them back on when I revert to being just your lawyer” signal. Kind of obvious there. And I’m a little tired of fights in the rain. But otherwise, the action is good, dialogue was fine, and the guy who plays Foggy is entertaining. It’s a little more violent than anything else we’ve seen from Marvel, but I’m not complaining.

I’m looking forward to how the show handles Matt’s enhanced senses. So far, they have made a person’s heartbeat audible (speeding up to indicate they’re lying) and my husband caught a scene where the picture got darker and distorted. The film Daredevil had some SFX showing his echolocation, but so far, there’s been nothing like that in the series. To me, it seemed like the show assumed you were familiar with the movie and didn’t feel like they had to show you all that stuff again. Still, I do hope to see more in the series of how Matt experiences the world. I liked that aspect of the film a lot.

Yeah, I’m a little bummed he doesn’t sleep in a sensory-deprivation chamber. :slight_smile:

On the third episode now. It’s pretty fucking cool.

Watched the first four episodes. Pretty good so far. Vincent D’Onofrio nails it as Wilson Fisk. It’s neat that DD is part of the Avengers universe even though his world is far removed from theirs. Also liked the nod to Moon Knight!

I thought the pilot was only OK, but am watching the second episode now.

It definitely feels like a show takes its time to tell its story, which makes sense since it hit Netflix all at once.

Total departure from the MCU’s fluffy, popcorny tone, and I love it. I generally prefer the more ‘serious’ comic book movies/shows, though.

I’m only up to episode 7. Everyone in this is great, but I actually find Murdock himself the least interesting of the lot. Kinda wish D’Onofrio was fatter, but his Wilson Fisk is captivating.

I’m struggling to come up with a weak point for this.

Way more graphic than I expected so, if you’re squeamish, you might need to steady yourself a bit.

That 3 minute fight at the end of the second episode was awesome. The hallway fight.

I could see the digital editing cut points, but it was cool they tried to make it look like one take.

I’m enjoying it so far, but he sounds to much like Arrow, who is trying to be Batman. Hell, some of the dialog seems directly lifted from Arrow. I would like a different personality trope for a change.

It seems really different than Arrow, at least to me.

Through episode 8, and Denofrio is killing it. He’s an incredible Kingpin. Don’t know what the deal is with Stick and Black Sky though.

Holy fuck, that hallway fight!

Reminded me of Oldboy, who actually did it in one take.

I loved Daredevil’s scene, though. Best comic book fight I’ve seen in awhile.


I’m about 5 eps in and I’m enjoying it. The production values aren’t as good as Arrow, but I’d say the writing is better and the acting stronger (but then, look at the secondary cast members compared to Arrow).

Claire’s white hoodie and mask were (I’m assuming) a nod to Moon Knight and his white costume. I mean, why else white?

A brief discussion of the hallway fight from Charlie Cox. Sadly, it sounds like it wasn’t all him, but he shared duties with Chris Brewster, his stunt double.

Anyway, it may have been 1 take, though. They kind of imply 12 takes were done, with only one being perfect.

Hallway Fight scene discussion

Visual contrast with Daredevil’s black costume?

In the opening scene of the first episode, I was really hoping there’d be a kid in the background complaining that he’d dropped his pet turtles during the accident.

Mrs. D_Odds & I both think it’s a darker Arrow, who is just a stand-in for Batman on TV. Daredevil and Batman share a number of similarities, so it makes sense. I just would have liked more separation; highlight the differences instead of the similarities. Instead you have two opposing forces trying to save their city - that is Arrow season 1.