Rick Santorum for POTUS 2016 thread

Yep, the ol’ Anal Leaker is back on the campaign trail!

From the linked article, it seems as if his main selling point is “I came in 2nd once”.

Well, the chances of one of the Republican candidates saying something awesomely stupid during the campaign went from 97.6% to 99.35%.

You heard it here first…:wink:
Now, if Rick Perry will officially enter the race (we’ll find out in June), I think we can get it to 99.9%…

This is a waste of a thread.

So…Santorum was “number 2?”

What??? Think of all the well-considered policy positions; the inspiring, patriotic snippets from the speeches he will make; the thoughtful, nuanced positions on social and cultural issues… How can you say that Rick Santorum will give us nothing to talk about during this campaign? :confused:

He’s actually quite a bit of a policy wonk. You might not agree with him, but he’s no Sarah Palin.

This. He’s been pretty serious at least in rhetorical terms about being supportive of the working-class in a conservative way. I certainly don’t plan on voting for Santorum, but he’s not the worst the GOP could nominate this election cycle.

Santorum’s positions on contraception, homosexuals, women’s rights are all, um, interesting.


All of which is irrelevant to Mace’s point. Disagree with him all you want. But you won’t find Santorum unprepared or incapable of making an argument.

I’m as lefty as they come and I actually find I like Santorum. Get me, I don’t want him to be President, but he has the balls to be who he is and say it. Many other candidates I get the impression that they’re empty suits for whom positioning is more important than beliefs. I don’t get that buzz from Santorum. At least I’d know exactly who I was voting against.

I think he’s a true believer, but that doesn’t make him more attractive to me than a charlatan spouting the same rhetoric. I might even prefer a charlatan with a better grasp of the real world.

I think Santorum has a valid case to be the nominee- it’s his turn. Had his Iowa win in 2012 been known at the time, it could have been him last time. But he won more states than anyone but Romney, so like Reagan, McCain, and Romney before him he can lay claim to the nomination by virtue of the silver medal in the previous cycle. True Believers like this guy so there isn’t a lot of room to go on his right and there aren’t many primary voters on his left. I still think it’s Jeb’s to lose but Santorum has the potential to be the nominee.

Being of the female persuasion, I find his opinions on many things to be deeply troubling. I sincerely hope that most of the US agrees with me that Santorum is NOT the way of the future.

Whose “turn” was it in 2000? That is, who came in second to Dole in the 1996 GOP race?

Pat Buchanan, who had left the Republican Party by then. He ran as the Reform Party candidate in 2000, was entitled to the ballot access and federal campaign funds inherited from Perot’s showing, and led it to 0.4% of the vote.

There are some aberrations to be sure. The thing was that in 2000, the money went to Bush early on and stayed with him. He was anointed and there was no way that they would go with Buchanan. The moneyed class may have a similar aversion to Santorum so his silver medal may count for less this time out. But those darn primary voters may not agree with the elite and vote Santorum in regardless.

To quote the illustrious DFH Bard of Nipples, MN: “Universe, I know I haven’t always been the best pantheist…”

The thing is that the 2012 primary was different from the historical one. In most of the other “Next in line” candidates, of the past, the previous primary was really a two man race long before the primaries. In 2012 there was a series of non-Romney candidates who would have a sudden rise to the top as conservatives thought they had found their “great white hope”, only to fall as soon as too much light was shed on them. Santorum was just the one that was lucky enough to have his rise to prominence coincide with the opening of primary season. If the primaries had been earlier, Bachmann, Perry, or god forbid Herman Cain could have been “next in line”.

I know whom you’re quoting, of course, but… DFH? Is that “Democrat Farm Hippie”?

That ain’t what she said!

Couldn’t think of something to say about my Mamma? Wimp-ass spineless menshevik pencil neck Broder-bait take too long to type?