Put a fork in McCain: He's forked

How’s McCain going to recover from this one-- “Rick Santorum: John McCain a fiscal fraud.”

Santorum is really going for the jugular on this one. He’s not taking any chances anymore.

So all you McCain supporters, how do you spin your way out of this one? Can the McCain camp come back from this attack by *the *social conservative candidate? I say not. Where else can he go from here? How’s Palin going to fix this one for the ticket?

what? Palin? McCain camp? what ticket?

I’m being whooshed I guess, because I simply haven’t a clue what this OP is on about.

eta: I’m not a McCain supporter so maybe that’s why…

Crap, I think I stumbled and fell into an alternate universe again. In my home dimension, McCain won the nomination in 2008, but lost because the economy was falling apart. He also picked a nincompoop VP candidate who… you know what, you don’t want to hear it. Your heads might explode. Anyway, does someone here have directions to the nearest wormhole?

Sorry bud, three’s my limit for reading something and not having a clue as to what’s being said.

Periodically over the last four years, someone in a politics thread will wisecrack ‘This is just the break the McCain campaign has been waiting for’, presumably satirising the desperation that campaign went through back when it actually mattered, i.e. 2008. I assume the OP is riffing on that.

You’re traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That’s the signpost up ahead — your next stop, the Twilight Zone.

Don’t knock it too hard–at least his campaign strategy is more up-to-date than his concept of morality.

Yes. McCain has virtually no chance to win the GOP nomination now.

Here’s irony for you. McCain was running for President in 2008 and Santorum pissed him off by endorsing rival candidate Mitt Romney.

Now it’s 2012. Santorum is running for President. And McCain paid him back by endorsing rival candidate Mitt Romney.

McCain’s been forked…

Sounds more like payback’s-a-bitch than irony. At least to me.

The irony is them both screwing each other over by endorsing the same guy.

I like the cut of your jib, son.

Santorum saw an opportunity, and he took it. These kind of headlines just can’t be good for McCain’s chances. This just might be the break the Santorum camp has been looking for.

This is just the thread the McCain campaign has been waiting for!

I’m going to move this to the Elections forum and let **Marley **decide whether to leave it open or not.

twickster, MPSIMS moderator

This could be just the break Happy Lendervedder has been waiting for!

You’re all looking at this the wrong way. Happy Lendervedder has invented time travel!

Happy, the winning numbers for the February 22nd Mega Millions jackpot are 7-12-13-19-22 mega ball is 10. The jackpot will be worth $275 million. Take about half of this and reinvest by shorting shares of all the major banks and home lending services. You can cut me in for 10% for my services. I’ll take the money and buy the governorship of Florida instead of Rick Scott, who is essentially doing the same thing.


We know exactly when it happened, too…

This is great news!!! For Hillary!

How did you do that?
You were … uh… funny.

I sure wish I could do that.