The Omnibus Trump Pit Thread

Trump says something Pittable nearly every day, but I don’t want the first page of the forum all cluttered, so really this is a public service.

Yesterday, he said this about John McCain (CNN):

AFAIK, this is the first incredibly dumb insulting thing that he is now backing off. He’s already released a statement saying that all prisoners are indeed heroes.

They took our jobs!!

As I might have mentioned in the other thread: We all know he is a racist piece of shit. Now we know if you remove “racist”, he’s still a piece of shit. This is coming from a Mrs. Lefty-Lovee Hugatree and an avowed McCain disdain-er.

Yeah, the thing that gets me about this is, it might be too much of an asshole statement for his supporters to stomach. Which is kind of a shame, because it might mean the Trump light will burn out too early this year, depriving us of our entertainment.

Andy Borowitz spot on satire of Trump at The New Yorker:


So we get Trump, the KKK, Amateur Barbarian, and Elvis as this week’s Grand Slam of omnibus assholes. This is gonna be a tough week to beat.

One nit is that the **Elvis **thread turned to be mostly a reverse pit, pointing at **Scumpup ** as an all thumbs asshole.

It’s a fair cop despite Elvis’ best effort to keep the pit on himself.

Somebody’s doing the raping.

Hey, Donald! It’s Bill Cosby!

So…Trump bagged on McCain for getting captured by the VC! I used to have a lot of respect for McCain until he foisted Palin on us.
Still, I have to take McCain’s side.
Trump is a total POS, with no redeeming qualities.

As far as McCain goes, everyone has flaws and McCain’s flaw has always been his impulsiveness. It led him to fall in love with Palin(as a VP candidate of course) and not properly vet her. It also led to him crashing a lot of planes, although that doesn’t make him any less a hero, given that it’s not unusual for fighter pilots to be risk takers. Like any real world person, there’s a lot about him to respect and a lot to shake your head at. Overall for me, McCain is a war hero and a lifelong government reform advocate, and he’s never let his Republicanness get in the way of issues that mattered to him. He was loudly against the Bush administration on torture and war mismanagement and fought hard for campaign finance reform(also against the GOP’s wishes) and to end earmarks. We need more men like him in office.

Now Donald Trump, the nice thing I’ll say about him is that he says what he believes, and I really wish all politicians would do that. His problem, and it’s a huge one, is that he’s got McCain’s impulsiveness minus his humility and thoughtfulness.

No. His problem is what he believes. Give me a lying dishonest hypocrite who believes in justice and equality and freedom and will work for them, any day, over an honest fruitcake who believes the poisonous shit that occupies Trump’s head. Sincerity is a virtue, sure, but it only takes you so far.

I think it’s fascinating that politicians get credit for “saying what they believe” for no other reason than that they acted like a loudmouthed jerk when saying it.

Not necessarily. Sanders says what he believes. Biden says what he believes. McCain and Graham do on the GOP side.

And just how is one supposed to know what a lying dishonest hypocrite is liable to actually do once elected?

This is one of the reasons why you guys are always disappointed by the politicians you elect, and why they never seem to do what you think they will.

I’m sure you can point to this or that thing that Clinton or Obama has done that you agree with or at least find preferable to what a conservative would have done in their place, but you can’t deny that neither Bill Clinton nor Barack Obama have been a disappointment in governing the way you thought they would.

But apart from that, the reality is that there’s nothing poisonous or racist about what Trump is saying. It’s only common sense that when you have a president sworn to uphold the nation’s laws who then utterly ignores them to allow immigrants to come flooding into the country unabated, many of them are going to be criminals. The pickings here richer than they are in Mexico, and by coming here those who are already suspects or have outstanding warrants south of the border can flee arrest and imprisonment by their own authorities. So it’s not racist in the least to point it out or to be concerned when an increased threat is coming from a certain group of individuals even if the majority of that group may be innocent themselves. Trump isn’t trying to keep Mexicans out of the country because he holds a racial bias against Mexicans…he merely thinks, as do most conservatives, that they should enter the country legally and be properly vetted for a criminal background before they do.

A lot of people in America have been victimized by criminals who’ve come into the country illegally. And many times, even if these people are caught they’re simply deported and they turn right around and come back in again. Rinse and repeat, over and over and over again. A sizable portion of the populace is fed up with this nonsense and Trump recognizes that and speaks out about it, and it’s a significant part of the reason he’s doing so well in the polls.

I dunno. I can’t be surprised, shocked or angered by anything Trump says or does anymore. He’s either trolling the world, or he’s completely lost touch with reality on the narcissism front. Probably both.

But he’s going to run the Republicans in circles for another month or ten and it will be interesting to watch how they deal with it.

He makes a great foil for them. Makes them all look reasonable and safe by comparison.

Indeed, in the way that measles is preferable to smallpox.

He has sailed gracefully over the shark. Two weeks, a month tops, we will have forgotten all about it. There’s almost nobody left to piss off.

This country has an inexhaustible supply of people to piss off. The Fifth Dimension got it wrong…it was the dawning of the Age of the Whingebag.