Are you a Doper Extreme?

do you think that maybe, you are the oldest poster? or the youngest? do you think that you might have the longest tongue? or are you the laziest? what makes you different from all the other posters? what kind of oddities do we have hanging out here?

I’m the most boring Doper.

I am probably the only female Doper who owns a paint contracting company.

I post the most on a daily basis, as of late at least.

I have the most enemies.

I am the most bare-footed Doper.

I may be the laziest, depending on your definition of “work”.

I sleep the least.

I am “the most” evil incarnate.

I’m such a hardcore, extreme doper, that when I see someone displaying ignorance I go after them with my Stupid Shovel.

Did I mention I’m the only doper writing from jail? :smiley:

[sub]God I gotta stop writing after not sleeping for a day 1/2[/sub]

I’m the most drunkest poster… at least right now… I think…

I am the most self-misrepresentative.

And no, no one needs to know what that means.

And no, it doesn’t mean I lie.

My post count/posts with any real value is probably the lowest of anyone here. :smiley:

I would have to say that I am the most modest poster in the IMHO. Come to think of it, I’ve got to be the most modest poster on the whole damn SDMB. In fact, there’s no denying that I must be, without a doubt, the most modest poster ever to post on the internet, bar none.

I’m the only doper who owns a fully certified SAR dog and a Schutzhund III protection/service dog… I can kill you in 15 seconds flat, and then find your remains three weeks later!

Oh, and I may well qualify for the doper with the strangest academic background.


Think you can have that title just cos you got to it first? That belongs to ME, dammit!!


I’m probably one of, if not the* only* Doper that could snuff anyone from a distance of out to 1,000 yards, with a fair degree of certainty, too.

MikeG is probably the only other Doper that can top this, but I’ve likely driven the fastest, and legally, too. Top average speed of 161.38 mph for 2 miles.

I think it’s safe to say I’ve got the deepest love for all things snowie.

Oh, and I probably drive the most miles every weekend (average about 650 per for the last 7 months.)

I am the Doper who makes the finest deviled eggs.

Except for Hamadryad.

But some day, I promise to CRUSH her…yes, CRUSH her like a bug…my experiments with pickle juice and aioli and cayenne are coming close to fruition…yes, they called me mad…the men at the University…but, come daylight {waving a shaking hand toward the operating table}, we’ll see who’s CRAZY…

I am the doper with the least amount of Intellegence. Or forethought.

I’m probably the most geophysical, or at the least the most oily.

The drillingest?

I have the most sexually suggestive username.

I have the greatest resemblance to Kurt Cobain. Of any female doper, at the very least, if not males too.

I probably have the most innapropriate relationship with an automobile of any doper, although knowing the guys here, one of them might have “known” a tailpipe or something, in which case he’s got me beat.

I think I’m the only doper who’s been employed by a NASCAR team, but there’s only a handful of us who would care.

I have been told that I may be the sweetest male poster on the boards…but I don’t know if by saying that I will vacate the title

I have but one title - the Gay Guy. All the rest are pale imitators. :wink:


I’m the most sought-after recently-legal Matt Damon/Dawson look alike on the boards.