Pretty much said it in the title. Would you rather have 1,000 books online or EVERY book ever written available, but ONLY in print? Assume that the 1,000 online books are all bestsellers and/or classics and are entirely free to read. Which do you go for? Myself, I would go for the unlimited printed books.
Unlimited, assuming it came with a few square miles of warehouses to hold them all.
I don’t understand why anyone would prefer to read something on a computer screen rather than on paper, other than the storage requirements.
The converse of the question would be a poser, though.
I’m guessing that this question is implicitly directed toward people who own fewer than 1,000 books in physical form.
Everything in print, as long as I could manage it storagewise.
Maybe there are some math books in there too
I kid!
That be an interesting back of the envelope calculation. Whats the wieght/volume/number of all the books ever printed?
Everything in print. I’m sure there are quite a few “best sellers” and “classics” that I’d have no interest in reading. And I’d rather not be sitting at my computer to read, anyway.
Mostly agreed (I understand why some folks want to read on a screen, but I don’t).
I’d go for the infinite in-print books. If nothing else, I’d get the books lost in the fire at the Library of Alexandria, and could comfortably retire on proceeds from their sale.
Infinite dead tree editions please.
Ignoring the OP’s question though (infinite books are always better than 1000 books*), I won’t even consider until they come out with a cheap (I can read in the bathtub and if I drop it and don’t electrocute myself, it’s no biggie to replace), lightweight (can comfortably use and navigate with one hand), color (for comic books) reader, I’ll consider it.
*Actually the reverse would be more interesting: Infinite e-books or 1000 dead tree books (or 1000 more and new to you dead-tree books if you already have 1000 dead-tree books). That one, I’d have to consider.
Agree, the question as posed is a no-brainer for most - but this one would be a challenge.