10th Republican presidential debate tonight 02/25/16

Deeply weird that running on your record gives you no traction in the GOP.

I think the establishment crowd is desperate for something to clap for, for Rubio (and against Trump).

Rubio: National Debt bad!
This comes from the guy pushing unaffordable tax cuts for the rich. Are We Allowed to Say That Marco Rubio Is Lying About His Tax Plan? – Mother Jones

So hilarious. Trump being attacked for saying he won’t let people die on the street. Cruz and Rubio both yelling “Socialized Medicine!!” at him and his answer: “Call it what you want but I won’t let people die on the street”. Amazing that they are going for the pro-die on the street vote.

I love how apoplectic Rubio got in response to the “we’re not letting people die in the streets” line from Trump. “Is this still the Republican Party?” Like it would be a violation of their bedrock, core principles to not let people die in the streets.

Also, Trump’s line about “waste, fraud, and abuse” was either the first time that has been said unironically in decades, or it’s a little “meta” wink to people in the know about how he can just talk nonsense and get away with it because it’s all a lark as far as he’s concerned.

ETA: Ninja’d by CarnalK! If Trump is not the nominee, Democrats need to save this footage.

Trump thinks the US has the highest taxes in the world. Uh huh.

h/t Kevin Drum

Rubio REALLY wants “real estate deal” to stick.

It blows my mind when Carson brags about being honest with an implausible story. Not the first time of course.

Can someone just hold me and tell me that none of these men are going to be President?

Come back in five years, lurker. :wink:

OK, I just fell on the floor laughing

Carson: Could one of you attack me, please?

No, but I can tell you I am ashamed of the whole human race. :frowning:

Wow, this debate is turning into a mess. Bunch of cross-yelling about who is more of a liar. Embarrassing.

Was anyone else disappointed that Trump didn’t get the chance to answer the question about Apple vs. the FBI?

Whoa, did Trump just say the IRS was auditing him because he was such a strong Christian?

I didn’t hear that.

Oops, just heard it. “Maybe” that’s why. Sheesh

It was during the post-debate interview.

Well, that can’t be the reason he’s been audited for 12 years. He only became a strong Christian like 8 months ago!

That’s what I was coming back to post about! I keep thinking I’m no longer going to be astonished by his chutzpah, and keep finding out I’m wrong.

That was the high point of the entire debate schedule for Carson, right there. I love how we see the others all yelling at each other, and he pipes up from off camera.