"12": A Russian remake of "12 Angry Men"

Did anyone else see the movie “12”? It’s a Russian movie set in present day and is a russified re-imagining of 12 Angry Men.

I saw it this weekend and really loved it. The movie was in Russian with English subtitles and 1 thing that surprised me was: all of the actors were REALLY good. The fact that I couldn’t understand their words didn’t detract from that impression.

There was also some heavy-handed symbolism that worked for me. (“heavy-handed” means “obvious enough that I saw and understood it”.) :slight_smile:

Anyone else?


Bah. Keifer Sutherland is twice as good as all of them put together.

I saw it quite a while ago, so I’ve somewhat forgotten what my opinion was. I think that while I basically liked it, I thought that they should have left it as a story about doing your duty as a juror. Instead it seemed to be a semi-random mishmash of the original story and the director/screenwriter’s personal views on the current state of Russia. I’d rather he chose to do one or the other, and if the latter to come up with a story that’s a bit more demonstrative and less bombastic.