I’m American, but here are my comments:
Rootbeer Floats – can’t say I like any kind of float. I like both root beer and ice cream by themselces, though.
Sloppy Joes – Why dislike for this? I make my own, from scratch, and I make it of sautéed vegetables (onions, peppers, often celery, and possibly other things), ground beef, mixed with tomato paste and other seasonings. How is this different frtom any number of stew-like things or ragouts?
Velveeta – agree with this, actually. Velveeta is a weird sort of homogenized cheese. I prefer straight cheese. That said, I don’t find Velveeta disgusting.
Hot dogs — Grew up on these, don’t eat them as much since I’ve cut back on nitrates. But it’s a sausage, basically. Why object to sausages?
Cheese Whiz – not my favorite, and I don’t eat it. But it is basically processed cheese, with emulsifiers and stabilizers and flavoring. It’s got more stuff added to it than Velveeta, but it’s mostly Wisconsin cheddar mixed with stuff. It’s got its own chapter in The Encyclopedia of Bad Taste, which sort of defends it.
Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie – Never tried it, myself, but I don’t understand the objection. It’s pie made from two pretty basic ingredients. What’s the objection?
Pumpkin Pie – This makes even less sense. It’s straightforward and uses a single main ingredient. It’s not as if it’s sugar simply flavored with pumpkin.
Frito pies – Haven’t even heard of this before, but I’ll agree in this case – this sounds disgusting.
Grits – Again, I haven’t tried, but it’s a basic grain-based food. If you don’t object to porridge, why object to grits? Is it the frying?
Corn dog – Well, if you object to the hot dog, breading it and frying it isn’t going to help.
Jello – Jello gets a chapter in the Encyclopedia of Bad Taste, too. It’s an easily made dessert with artificial color, usually artificial flavor, and a lot of sugar. I like it, myself, having been brought up on it. But if you eat aspic, you can’t completely turn your nose up at genatine-based dessert.
Chicken fried steak – I’ve had it. It’s not my favorite, and it’s often used to disguide inferior cuts of meat. But it’s not an abomination.
Red velvet cake – don’t understand this one at all. It’s a cake, pretty straightforward. I’ve heard the “red” part really derives from the tendency of older coloring to separate.
White sandwich bread – Depends on the bread. I agree that over-aerated tasteless white bread is to be avoided (like Wonder Bread), but there’s also white bread out there with body and with taste. Bread doesn’t have to be whole-grain to have character.
Peanut butter – If you like flavored ground-up chickpeas, I can’t understand hate for ground-up flavored peanuts. It’s true that the more popular American brands add sugar, but not all of them do, including versions of the nationwide brands. I’ve heard that some European peanut butter doesn’t taste very good, for some reason. But American all-natural unflavored peanut butter is great stuff, IMHO.
Biscuits and gravy – A Southern thing. How can anyone object to biscuits? It has to be the gravy they don’t like. I’ve heard someone object to the gravy being lard – a statement that would get you knifed by southern cooks. It’s a roux using fat from sausage, which ain’;t the samr thing, and isn’t all that different from lots of European foods. So why is this more disgusting?