17 year old girl runs off with 20 yr old boyfriend. CNN exclusive。

There is a CNN news story about a 17 year old runaway who was reporting missing by her parents in Ohio. She was found several days later in the attic of her boyfriend’s house.

Abbi Obermiller has been charged with obstructing official police business and being an unruly child.

The boyfriend is charged with with obstruction of justice in the case for his failure to cooperate in the investigation.

All Abbi had to do was wait until she was 18 to move out of the house for good. She looks like she’s destined for stripper bars or a career at the Waffle House. Now her boyfriend is going to be charged as an adult having sex with a child, and be marked as a sex offender for life.

I just do not understand why this makes the national news. The girl was not kidnapped, they knew it was the boyfriend all along. I am just watching the website and this shrill human being with an awful twangy hick voice named Nancy Grace is making a big deal about this stupid case. Who in the hell is this person? (I have been out of the loop for many years)

In no time in history until modern times have 20 year old men loving, making love to, having babies with etc was that big of a deal. Hell it was celebrated. Now you have to show ID to get intimate. If the 20 year old was from a rich family and not a bum, there wouldn’t have been any cops either.

Why is this a CNN exclusive?

Moved Cafe Society --> MPSIMS, where it will probably be found hiding in the attic.

twickster, Cafe Society (and MPSIMS) mod

Being an unruly child is a crime now?

The age of consent in Ohio is 16. So the boyfriend will not be considered a sex offender and both of them will likely come away from this with little more than probation. It’s a non-story… Actually, it’s a very common story as one of my sister’s friends did something similar back in high school. As did a friend of a co-worker’s daughter a few years ago. Teenagers run away, a lot, an if you’re 17 it can barely be considered running away.

Nancy Grace is a disgrace to talking heads everywhere you will exploit the latest missing child case to point blame at whoever she feels like. In one case, she badgered the mother of a kidnapped boy so badly that the mother killed herself rather than talk to Grace again. She is a vile human being and should have been fired ages ago.

I knew Nancy Grace would show up in the OP somewhere just from the title. That … woman loves to make national news out of local tragedies. Usually it involves interviewing distraught mothers who’s lost their family and possessions in a house fire and she’s badgering them on why they didn’t have proper smoke alarms in the house. A sadistic evil woman. I imagine her gist of the matter was the 20 year old pedophile* kidnapped and stored his victim in the attic of his house just waiting until she was 18 so he could force her into marriage.

A 17 year old having sex with a 20 year old. How shocking!

Nancy Grace

It’s enough to make Jerry Lee Lewis turn in his grave.

I blame the parents.

It would take a hell of a lot considering he’s still alive.

I blame Obama.

A good friend of mine used to work on the Nancy Grace show. The first time I saw it I was 90% certain it was satire. I couldn’t see how anyone could possibly take it seriously, but my friend assured me that it was, sadly, for real.

She also assured me that Nancy Grace is a complete wacko, and that the show’s main demographic is “ignorant people living in trailer parks”. This friend of mine is a wonderful person, but working there killed her soul. Very glad she moved on.

Well for goodness sake someone have him arrested and convicted him of having sex with his wife!

Bored local police will use any excuse to do what they got into the business to do: i.e., bully, harass, assault, molest, and batter as many victims as they can rack up–the more helpless and unable to fight back, the better. And the townsfolk just keep on allowing it, some out of worship, some out of fear. Get used to it–it’ll only get worse, and it will get around to you eventually; probably sooner than you think.

I’m not sure how, but in your last sentence, you wrote “fired” rather than forcibly relocated to the Arctic, obliged to live in an igloo and support herself by hunting walruses armed only with a mechanical pencil and her own personality, and then, after an appropriate time, set adrift on an ice floe.

Tiresome, isn’t it? I’m glad to have found this site on the net. I’d begun to think everyone who owned a computer was a booger-eating moron.

There’s something perverse to me about people who make a living exploiting other’s emotions.

Guys, remember when you were in high school and the girls in your class wouldn’t give you the time of day because you had to compete with older boys who had cars and money from full-time jobs (but didn’t date women their own age because their dating pool of female HS grads had either moved off to college or already gotten married), and the girls would contend that this was the natural order of things since “girls mature before boys do” (which was true at age 12-13 but by age 16 both genders are on equal footing)? I know I keenly remember that.

I think loser guys who date yonger women across the divide of HS graduation drag those women down, and screw-over HS guys ; and if Nancy Grace’s wrath is a component of that loserdom, tough shit.

ETA for Tethered Kite Stick around: we’re not booger-eating morons, we’re booger-eating connoisseurs. I find the flavor of mine is enhanced if I spend the day inhaling sea air and drinking pineapple juice.

There’s no link in the OP. Was the boy charged with anything other than obstruction of justice (a charge which would be entirely valid)?

It also IS kidnapping in my opinion, but I doubt he’d be charged with it.

Nostril detritus with a tropical flair? It’s probably every bit as marketable as Nancy Grace.

I do share your thoughts about older males/ teen-aged women.

That’s hardly fair! I hear the relationship started while Bush was in office.

Meh. When I was 21 I dated an 18 year old high school senior. And its true what they say, girls do mature faster than boys. How do I know? She had a mid-life crisis at 18 1/2.