1920s Style Death-Ray?

Why did they ban Dogface, anyway? Did they catch him carrying a concealed…you-know-what?

Thread originator checking! This one ran for ages - it’s my proudest achievement in life so far :slight_smile:

That’s Rio by Duran Duran

There is actually a reference of running joke backgrounds on the teeming millions homepage. …though I had to resort to wikipedia to get a definition for “felching.”

I hope you were somewhat prepared for the answer

The first result on searching ‘felching’ on Google gives a fairly good idea of what it means. And its not family friendly or work safe (in case you have people peering over your shoulder).

Gadzooks :rolleyes:

I felt compelled to check myself, he seemed to be involved in some dubious threads, a “some third worlders are animals” Pit thread for one :dubious:

Of course we are. I am a ferocious tiger myself.

But I transmogrified into a Grizzly when I came here, albeit a thin emaciated one.

Watch out, the Grizzell is on the prowl. :mad:

Actually I was a bit underwhelmed. The technical word for anal insertion of a lightbulb gone wrong–that is, “Anal Pulp”–has stayed with me longer.

Can someone PLEASE explain “Hi Opal!” to me? I did a search for the term and checked out the earliest coupla threads in which it appeared (the first instance seemed to be a newbie greeting OpalCat), but I fail to understand why/how it caught on as a catchphrase. Maybe I missed something?

“Hi, Opal!” dates back to our days as an AOL board.

veil lifting

Ahhh! Thankyouverymuch.

This is a whoosh, right? And if it is, would you call it Pulp Fiction?

HA! I used an inside reference. And my asshole has a thousand watt shine .

I must ask, since we’re asking these sorts of questions, how does one become “whooshed”?

One is told a falsehood and believes it.

Ah, now I read what it means on the teeming millions injoke page :rolleyes:

Does that mean I’ve whooshed myself? Or did I get it wrong again and that was a self-whooshing? Or does the self-doubt constitute the actual whooshing?

You may enjoy this thread in ATMB:

Glossary of SDMB Terms

From this thread I have learnt;

1.) What it means to be whooshed

2.) Felching is ewwwwwww! :eek:

3.) Opalcat is a fellow fan of Jethro Tull (see, no hi!)

I…would you repeat the question?

There, there. Calm down now, everything’s going to be alright. Just close your eyes and count to ten…