1920's style death rays, now with more heat!

Looks like the US military is coming out with 2010’s style heat ray to control crowds or repel the enemy. Maybe they’ve been reading The Dope.

I’ve brought up articles on the military and these weapons based on microwaves and ultrasonics for over a year ago. One of these days we may get to see it’s effect on protesters in the USA. I remember one military person saying on tv they needed to test it in the USA before using it in a different country, to show it’s safe.

Can’t they scatter a crowd just by swiping a laser pointer back and forth, creeping everyone out tho think they are in your scope?

I wonder if it works on snow? Hmmmm…

Not sure everyone would see it, and when the kids trample each other to death at the protest you’d probably be in trouble.

It DAMNED well better not be!

I just got three days off work 'cause of a minor snow storm.

(bolding mine)


Here in Minesota, a “minor” snow storm means that you can probably still find your car, but your dog still hasn’t returned since you let him out before breakfast.

Except this winter. We cancelled winter this year.