cmonidareya you’re remembering that right.
Video Jukebox was the name of the thing, on HBO. In fact, in addition to using the videos as filler, there was a monthly half hour show (or a full hour, mebbe, it’s been a while) by the same name.
In fact, we’re going back to when HBO was only on the air from like 4PM to 4AM, or some such. I recall in the early part of the day there was a scrolling schedule of the night’s movies on, a sort of precursor to that TV guide channel. (But obviously, they only listed what was gonna be on HBO.)
I’d gather that other early cable stations did something similar.
They also ran film shorts as filler, in addition to the videos. Short ‘N’ Specials, I think it was billed. That was where I first ran across the Star Wars parody “Hardware Wars” and the CE3K thing called “Closet Cases of the Nerd Kind.” There was one bizarre animated piece about a bunch of pinball game characters coming to life after hours in a video arcade, and doing battle with a bunch of pixellated Space Invaders, that I’ve been trying to hunt down for years now, and can’t remember the name of to save me.
bodypoet: I seem to recall that the very first episode of Midnight Special was the Alice Cooper “Nightmare” concert/video show, in 75. (My memory may be suspect, however, and I don’t know if that’s when the show first ran, or not.)
That particular episode with the “How Ya Gonna See Me Now?” video was indeed later in the run of the show, when there was more than one featured artist per episode. VH-1 ran a bunch of Midnight Special episodes sometime… early last year, I think.
Well, whenever it was, they ran that episode among others, so fishbicycle, you might have some luck getting your hands on some tapes/DVDs of Midnight Special through the channel, or thier website.
[sub]No, I’m not affiliated with VH-1 in any way, I just vaguely recall seeing that one video on a rerun of the show a while back.[/sub]