2006 Weight Loss Club - June

Initial Weight: 360 lbs
Current Weight: 194 lbs
Goal Weight: 150 lbs

166 lbs down; 44 to go.

Oops. Got ahead of myself there.

I’m not sure if I have the right to post this, but I have lost weight. I had bariatric surgery Feb 8th of this year. I was at 376 pre surgery. Last month I broke below 300 for the first time. I’m hoping that by my Dr visit next week (offficial weigh-in) that I’ll be in the 270s.

Congratulations! I had a lap RNY a year ago the 6th, and I’ve lost 120 lbs so far, and reached my minimum goal. Twenty more to my ultimate of 199…

There’s a few of us who’ve had weight loss surgery, and I think all of the types are covered. Give me a shout if you have questions or need encouragement.

Welcome Count Blucher!

Took some “time off” for my wedding and honeymoon. Normal people don’t diet on their honeymoons, and I’m learning to eat like a normal person. I DID keep in mind Core (the lesser-known weight watchers program) principles like stopping when satisfied though, so that helped. I left for the wedding at 147 lbs and came back at 150.5. 3.5 lbs isn’t bad for 2 and a half weeks of eating whatever I wanted, I think. Anyway, I lost a pound the first week back so I’m back under 150, which makes me happy. Hopefully I will see another loss this week.

My husband and I started doing a couch-5K program on Monday, so that should help. I’m also trying out some new recipes this weekend to shake up my meals. It’s getting too hot to cook every night, so I want to stock up on leftovers.

172 / 149.5 / 135

I’d like to get down to 225. I know the book says 180 for people 5’10 and 5’11, but the last time I was 225, I was rock solid. Work is hard to be ‘good’ at, as its a tad boring and the newspaper stand, which has sells every brand of candybar on the east coast, is run by nice people always say hi.

This week: -4.

I have never been so goddamned pissed off about losing 4 pounds in my life. Two weeks ago: -0. Last week: -0. This past week, I basically went off my diet. For reasons I can’t now totally reconstruct, I bought a half-gallon of strawberry cheesecake ice cream (ice cream isn’t one of my usual vices), which I’ve been having a medium-sized bowl of each evening. Friday, someone brought in pastries (the good stuff), and I had one. Not a half of one, a full one. Then my boss wanted company for lunch, so even though I’d just eaten my sandwich, I went with her, and had a bowl of lobster bisque. And yesterday, I had a very, very ripe avodado sitting there – so I made guacamole, and had a midday meal of chips and guacamole; followed by an afternoon snack of ice cream. Then had popcorn for dinner. Healthy, eh?

And lost four pounds. Shit. If I’d skipped the ice cream, the danish, the bisque, and the guacamole, might it have been five?

I’m a pound over the weight when I’d been planning to try on some of my “thin” clothes – now I’m thinking I should lose a few more, 'cause it would really bum me out if they don’t fit yet.

I went off Nutrisystem yesterday. It was having weird effects on my digestive system, so when my scale showed a loss of zero pounds despite sticking rigidly to it, I realized it’s probably not the diet for me. I’m going to try the old standby of eating less and walking more. I think that’ll be a better route for me.


As has been my pattern - I was very good excersice-wise last week. I even missed a day of cardio because I had to do a work function and then went home and did a cardio and weight workout at home.

Eating is still the problem for me. I was good most of the week, but Friday and Satruday were bad days. Too many sweets. Still, we are half way through the year and I can honestly say that I have done a great job in adding excersize to my life and have stayed with it. So I’m happy with that. I guess I just have to keep working on the eating. Like anything else, I haven’t failed until I stop trying.

I hit my first goal yesterday. I have lost 20 lbs. My new weight is 219.5 lbs. This includes taking my family out to the Rainforest Café for my daughters birthday and our consuming a Volcano*. I am proud that I took very little and a large amount of the volcano went uneaten. I would have felt compelled in the past to not waste such a tasty treat. Now I have to get through the BBQ I am hosting today for her birthday/Father’s day.


  • 4 large brownies shaped like a volcano with vanilla ice cream, hot fudge and caramel.

Lost aobut 300g this week. It was another week where I was naughtier than I should have been, so I’m pretty okay with that. Really I need to start setting myself some time-based goals. I’ve got my goal weights, but I don’t have any timeframe for achieving them, and it’s leaving me somewhat aimless.

I’m thinking if I aim for 500g a week, that gets me to under 130kg for mid September, and down to 123kg for Christmas.

Well, off we go.

I just realized I haven’t posted this month. My recent loss is still very slow, despite sticking to the HMR very low calorie program. They tell me it’s because I’m closer to my goal weight, plus I suspect that at this point I need to take muscle-building very seriously.

I’ve yo-yo dieted for almost 40 years, and must have consequently lost a lot of muscle mass. I guess this is the point where the impact of that muscle loss is apparent. It’s time I add to my current gym program to include weight work, which I hate. Cardio work earns me tangible calorie expenditures, but is self-limiting after a point. Weight work only earns me 2 calories a minute at my current weight, compared to 15-18/min on the elliptical, so there isn’t much immediate payoff for the time and effort spent doing weight work. I’ll have to overcome that block and build back enough muscle to improve my rate of fat metabolism, or so I understand it.

Are there any experts who can confirm or correct my understanding of that?

-28.7 to date, maybe 20 more to go.

Okay, I decided after my surgery, I was going to join in on these threads, so here I am! I had the Duodenal Switch bypass surgery on June 2nd. When I went to the doctor on the 15th to have my staples removed, I’d lost 28 lbs. I’ve lost a few more since then, but it’s hard to say exactly, because my scale does not agree with his scale. I have another appt. with him on the 30th for my one-month check-up, and will post a firm number then!

Use the home scale sparingly, and don’t pay a whole lot of attention to the reading at the moment. Instead, weigh yourself on a schedule, say every Monday, and with similar conditions such as clothing and bathroom trips. You’re interested in the downward trend, not the reading of the day.

28 lbs is an excellent start, my dear. ::thumbsup:: :cool:

Thanks! :slight_smile:

We progress … down below 220, my last goal. Weighed 219.4 today.

Weight before: 237.2. Goal: 190.

Yay, Malthus!!

Only thirty or so pounds to go. :frowning:

Lost 1 pound last week, yay me!

I’m finally back into the swing of things after getting back from my honeymoon, so I’ve been doing a lot better this week. I’m actually able to stop eating when I’m satisfied again, so that’s a plus. 1.5 lbs away from pre-wedding weight, about 10-15 to go, depending on how I feel.


Can I join the club?

I started ~March 20th. Around April 20th I joined a weight loss group at the hospital. It’s based not on fad diets like the Dr. South Grapefruit Sex Diet, but on the best science the hospital knows. And it’s not a diet, it’s lifestyle change. The last meeting is tomorrow, and I’m hoping to leave it on a low note.

I’m doing walk aerobics and some strength training, along with lean proteins, whole grains, and nature’s rainbow.


tdn, what is nature’s rainbow?