2011 (2010) Academy Award nominations

From an outside source:

That and the exclusion of Inception from the Editing category were the two big jaw-dropping moments for me.

But very glad for Winter’s Bone’s good showing, and any love for I Am Love (Costumes) is a good thing, too.

I’ve only seen one of the Foreign Language Film nominees, and while I didn’t quite care for Dogtooth, it has to be one of the most truly unusual films ever to get a nod in this category–a sign that the panel is coming around to less conservative ways of thinking. And I can only imagine all the Academy bluehairs sitting through this bizarre fantasia of historical allegory, sexual openness, and one of the most fucked up family dynamics you’ll ever see (makes Precious look like The Fresh Prince). It won’t win, of course, but good for AMPAS for considering it.

I’m not sure where he got his information, but The Godfather, Part II’s win in this category is the most obvious example of this “fact” being wrong. The nod for The Color of Money is another (and you can certainly include the 3rd LOTR film here, too).

It did get one, for Michelle Williams as Best Actress

Exactly what I was going to say. And as much as I loved The King’s Speech, one thing I didn’t think was all that great was the directing. Rather vanilla. Nothing about the direction stood out…maybe I just don’t know what the criteria is…I think I tend to confuse it with cinematography.

The Town is missing in action. I would have figured it for at least a screenplay nomination.

Jeremy Renner got one (Supporting Actor), but otherwise, that was it.

In an odd way, I think The Fighter sucked up all the gritty, east-coast, urban love. There wasn’t any left for The Town.

I must also say that I was most shocked at Inception not getting an editing nod. I am also disappointed that Daft Punk did not get nominated for their Tron Soundtrack. If the movie had been better they probably would have been.

Did you read the article? His point was that the other sequels were based off books that pre-existed while Toy Story 3 was only based off the previous movies.

John Hawkes is the one nomination I’m really happy about. He really deserves the award for best supporting actor.

He’s splitting hairs, because most of the events in Godfather II weren’t based on any book but largely on the proceedings of the events in the first film. So if After the Thin Man counts, then so does the Coppola sequel.

And don’t get me started on The Barbarian Invasions

Jeremy Renner MADE The Town great.

I’ve seen 8 of the 10 nominees, and all were great. I just can’t believe Tangled didn’t get a best animated film nomination. And Chris Nolan deserved a best director nomination.

Very very happy to see John Hawkes’s nomination. He hasn’t been getting much attention this awards season, and I called him for the oscar before I even finished watching Winter’s Bone!

I understand why Hailee Steifeld got nominated for Best Supporting Actress, the studio put her there, but she is clearly the lead actress.

I know this is kinda late since it’s been building for ever but still…The Social Network was not that great of a movie!

Good Lord all Jesse Eignberg did was talk fast…that’s it. All David Fincher did was direct…That’s it. The only attention this movie should get in any way shape or form is for screenplay because it was at least mildly interesting (Although it shouldn’t win) and for music because if you want the 2000s, you want Trent Reznor.

I cannot fathom why everyone thinks this movie is sooooo great. Yes it’s good, yes it was a fun little movie about something we all know about but don’t really know about. But the fact that it is getting SO much press is just confusing the hell out of me.

I know quite a few teachers who are really happy that “Waiting for Superman” did not get nominated for Best Documentary. It had a lot of buzz, and many people thought it was a sure thing for a nom, but teachers HATED it.

I don’t get to watch all that many movies these days, what with the kids and all, but I do get to see plenty of animate films. Why on earth isn’t Tangled on that list? It was tons better than How to Train Your Dragon (which was cute and all, but too different from the book for me to truly get behind). I also liked it quite a bit better that Toy Story 3, which felt like a rehashing from 1 and 2 and was far too scary for a family movie. In fact, I only saw the first three quarters (see above re: too scary) and I don’t even care how it ends. Hmph.

YMMV, of course. I found it the same tired princess retread we’ve seen a million times from Disney. Not only are all 3 nominees better, but I thought Despicable Me was, too.

This was the shocker for me. Can anyone remember anything about the score for “How To Train Your Dragon”? I just saw the movie again yesterday and cannot remember a note of the score.

Movie quality doesn’t necessarily matter to music nominations - Eminem won an Oscar for a song from “8 Mile,” after all - so this is a flat-out inexplicable omission.

And while we’re on the subject, I’d agree that “How To Train Your Dragon” was not one of the best three animated movies of the year.

I haven’t seen the film. Could you explain why teachers hated it?