About 8 or 9 months ago my Jeep would not start- I push the button, the started could be heard cranking, but the engine just would not catch. This happened a few times in succession. Then I waited a few minutes, tried again, and it started normally.
I took it to the mechanic. Now, here’s the thing- this Jeep, while overall pretty reliable, has been subject to umpteen recalls, all of which I followed up on. One was a recall of a brake part that had been susceptible to water corrosion. Thought the dealer fixed that, then my brakes failed on me and I almost got in an accident. Turns out that, if the part “tests ok” the dealer was authorized to just put a little “rain shield” over the part instead of replacing it. So since I had also had a fuel pump recall, I I suspected it was another botched recall job, and I still had a failing fuel pump. But the mechanic (this was an independent I trusted, not a dealer) said the fuel pump tested fine, and it was likely the battery, since it was old and failing.
Get the battery replaced, and a week later, same thing- starter cranks, engine does not turn over, wait a few minutes, starts fine. Then it has not happened again for these past 8 or so months…until yesterday. I don’t drive as much as I used to since I work from home now, but I take the Jeep out to shop and run errands a couple times a week.
So…what could it be? I’m afraid, since the problem is so intermittent, that the mechanic might just shrug again and say “we can’t find anything wrong” or fix something else that’s not the problem. Do I just drive it until it finally fails and won’t start back up a few minutes later?