2016 = 2008

Or you know, he’s just trying to fuck with Clinton any way he can.

But, they assumed that Clinton would be their opponent so all of their rhetoric up to the Democrat Convention was directed at her. They couldn’t even use rhetoric against Obama for fear of being called bigots for attacking a black man.

How is that a pejorative term?

And for the record I am neither Democrat, nor Republican. I voted for McCain because I feared Biden. I didn’t vote for Romney because he was a socially liberal robber baron cult member.

Unless things change drastically I won’t be voting this November.

It’s factually incorrect, for starters. There is no “Democrat Convention” or “Democrat nomination” or “Democrat candidate”, any more than there is a “Republic Convention” or “Republic candidate”.

some more info.

Most Democrats feel that “Democrat Party” is a slur. Perhaps you didn’t mean it as such, but that’s how it comes off.

You voted for McCain (and Palin!!!) because Biden scared you? Fascinating! What precisely scared you about everybody’s favorite uncle, Biden?

Would you prefer “the so called ‘Democratic Party’”?

No, they weren’t. Well, maybe a few whack-os were, but you can always find some nuts who think just about anything. Hillary conceded in June. It was over. Kaput. Done. You might say you could stick fork in her.

This is factually wrong.

This is nonsensical, and also wrong.

I heard it. Was I supposed to?

See Democrat Party (epithet). Goes back to 1940, actually.

Hillary Clinton is going to be the next POTUS, Henga.

Just accept it.

That article also mentions it was being used by Dems themselves in the 50s. Frankly, taking offense to the term is completely ridiculous and makes you look like a hothouse flower.

African-Americans referred to themselves as “colored people” around that same time. Does that make it acceptable for a white person to call them by that term in 2016?

And what does it make people look like who insist on using the term, knowing that it’s incorrect and that it bothers people?

There’s no question that the Republicans are idiots. However, they are idiots in a totally different way.

I am sick with jealousy, though, that you got to live in a universe in which Republicans “couldn’t even use rhetoric against Obama for fear of being called bigots for attacking a black man.” That sounds wonderful, unlike our world.

“Coloured people” isn’t a slur. It’s roll your eyes old fashioned. And comparing stuff like that to “Democrat party” doesn’t make you look any less ridiculous, fyi.

Is it OK to call African-Americans “colored people” in 2016 because they called themselves that in the '40s? And would it be ridiculous for them to take offense, since it’s not a slur?

Look, just don’t bother. I am not going to equate or even compare the mildest of political jabs with racism; you probably shouldn’t either.

I don’t think “Democrat party” compares to racial slurs, but it is a slur, and I think it should be called out. It’s obnoxiousness for no reason whatsoever.

But there Smapti is, comparing it to race.

Maybe if it was typed as “DemocRat” I could see it as on par with “Repugs” but as it stands, calling it out seems pretty silly.