2020 POTUS Debate 2 (22 October) follow-along and discussion thread

Running errands today, listening to satellite news. Multiple pundits saying this may be Trumps’ last chance to sway voters, and that he needs to change his message and his delivery. Multiple people saying this. I laughed at first, then I yelled while in traffic: ‘You boneheads, he can’t change. He’s mentally ill.’

I wonder what the betting odds are that he storms out. Stronger, I’d say, with his 60 Minutes performance. I my own self am going to bite the bullet and watch live to see how he reacts to being muted.

He’s going to bring a gold bullhorn.

Well, I did stop by the liquor store earlier today, since I knew I’d need a drink or two to watch the debate.

Here we go.

I’m already 4 drinks in. Couldn’t stand to hear CFCG without that.

What protocols are they following? Color me clueless, but they look to be very close together, maskless, in the same room. What am I missing?

Both tested negative.

well, he’s behaving so far…

A vaccine will be here in weeks? Really? Fact check?

Trump just made me laugh out loud with the world leaders calling to tell him what a good job he’s done.


In two weeks. It’s going to be a very beautiful vaccine.

It is totally believable that Putin called Trump and told him he’s doing a great job. Keep doing what he’s doing. :wink:

What do you suppose Trump is writing?

His own name. In Sharpie.

Trump is doing a good job so far at staying quiet, but it’s obvious he’d like to interrupt.

“Modurner is doing very well.”

And underneath; “Do you like me?” Check “yes” or “yes”.

DJT has lost some weight.

Countries like europe.