I traded my 2014 X3 28i for a 2021 30i a few weeks ago and no one (various dealership folk/the BMW “genius”) can figure out how to push my text messages to the car. Messages worked perfectly in my '14.
I have a Samsung Galaxy 23. The car does not have Android Carplay (or whatever it is called) or a wireless charging pad. Bluetooth music streaming, etc, work fine. There are Apple options in the iDrive menu, but I cant find any option that enables text messages from my android.
No, they want the text messages that come in to their phone to show up on their car’s screen while they’re driving and the phone is connected via Bluetooth, so they don’t have to pick up the phone and look at it.
This feature still exists in modern phone Bluetooth stacks, but vehicles don’t have to implement it. With Android Auto and Apple CarPlay allowing phones to just use the car’s display directly, there’s less reason for auto makers to implement features like text message display when it can just be handled by Android Auto/Apple CarPlay (see also how lots of vehicles don’t include nav any more because everybody just uses their phone for it).
OP, it’s possible your car just doesn’t support displaying texts over Bluetooth, and if it only does CarPlay and you have an Android, you may just be out of luck.
It’s also possible the automaker decided displaying texts was too much of a distracted-driving liability and decided to stop implementing it for that reason. I’ve noticed Apple CarPlay will offer to read texts aloud when paired to a vehicle. It’ll show you an alert with who it’s from when a text comes in, but it won’t put the actual message on-screen.
Have you tried saying “OK Google. Read my texts”? Or “OK Google, text so and so”? That would be through the phone instead of the car, but could work and should play through the speakers of the car.