2022 US Senate Races

That’s not good news :cry:. Assuming he wins the Republican primary, he’ll probably win a general election easily.

I wouldn’t be so sure of that. Democrats would have a field day with Oz’s long history of promoting quackery, and his saying that an extra 2-3% Covid-19 mortality resulting from sending kids back to school during the pandemic represented an “appetizing” opportunity.

His Democratic opponent could inquire during debates about Oz saying that our astrological signs predict our health.

With the fallout from his quack escapades, I doubt that Oprah Winfrey (on whose show Oz was featured numerous times) would campaign for him.

I’m not sure this is true. I’m not even sure how one would determine if it was true.

I tend to agree. Setting aside what it even means to be “effective” as a Senator, there are plenty of examples of Senators who had little or no previous governmental experience who had productive careers. Joe Biden only had two years as a county commissioner before serving 36 years as a Senator. Orrin Hatch had no previous governmental experience before serving in the Senate for 42 years.

One thing I’ve heard former Governors elected to the Senate talk about is how little their governing experience prepared them for the chamber. You just can’t wield power as one of 100 Senators the same way you can as a state’s top executive. Most of them seem to hate it, and Chris Sununu basically said this was why he wasn’t running for Senate in NH.

Dr. Oz doesn’t live in pa. I’m a bit baffled on how he can run for senator as a non-resident.

There is so much better stuff out there to attack this guy for that his Democratic opponent shouldn’t waste time on the carpetbagger theme.

As for the GOP nomination, my guess is that it will go to whomever Trump endorses, especial if there are more than two halfway viable candidates.

Ah, found out that dr oz uses a relative’s address in pa for voting. Hhhhhm, that doesn’t seem dodgy at all, eh…

Isn’t it just like Hillary Clinton running for Senator of New York? Or Scott Brown running for Senator in New Hampshire?

Or Bobby Kennedy running for Senator of New York?

Scott Brown owned a home in New Hampshire for close to 20 years before making it his primary residence and registering to vote in the state. So he had some history there.

HRC bought a home in November of '99 and didn’t announce her candidacy until February of 2000. She was also basically recruited by some of the most prominent individuals in the NY Democratic Party.

Oz hasn’t purchased a home and to my knowledge there is no one in the entire state of Ohio, GOP official or not, who has encouraged him in any way to run.

The Clintons bought a house in 1999, about a year before the election, so Hillary could establish residency.

No idea about Brown or Bobby Kennedy.

Dick Cheney also had to change his residency before the 2000 election so that he and Bush wouldn’t both be residents of Texas (under the Constitution, this meant that Texas would not have been able to cast its electors for both).

I don’t know the specifics of Pennsylvania residency requirements, but usually it’s not very burdensome. I don’t think this will be a legal hurdle for Oz, although it could be politically damaging.

Whether it is or isn’t, I can’t see making my voting decision, for U.S. Senator, on which candidate is the genuine Pennsylvanian. And I won’t advise anyone else to base their vote on such trivia.

Senators are supposed to have more of a national focus, but I can see voting against someone who is just using a state has a convenient launch pad as opposed to having any real interest in the problems affecting the people he is representing.

Certainly. I would always favor a candidate motivated by public service rather than mere ambition.

Until the sad day someone invents a gadget to read the inner thoughts of others, this is almost completely unknowable. And in as much as it is now slightly knowable, it would lead to voting for rich people who don’t need the salary.

It is common, or at least used to be, for British parliamentary candidates to run from a constituency they can win in, even if they never lived there. They learn about their constituency as they go and then, if otherwise good politicians, do fine.

If you are a Democrat, consider:

Is Hillary Clinton a New Yorker?

If a normally Democratic New Yorker here tells me that they voted for Spencer against Clinton because the Republican Senate candidate was a long-time local New Your politician – and local commitment is crucial – I will accept their sincerity. But I still won’t agree. .

While Barack Hussein Obama II did win Pennsylvania twice, Mehmet Oz’s first name is going to hurt him a bit. And the state’s leading newspaper is now starting to use it:

Two little letters that could skew the Pa. Senate race

One more on Oz. This is inconsistent with the Wikipedia MitraValve article AKA not accurate:

He did apparently patent a valve repair device. Not the same as a valve.

The Democrats better make sure they don’t nominate someone who has this tiny gadget in them.

correction to last post – MitraClip, not MitraValve!

As far as I can tell that would apply to one, maybe two at most, of all of our previous presidents (Washington and Carter). You’ll be sitting out a lot of elections, or holding your nose for the candidate you do end up voting for, based on that standard.