21 Dead at Elementary School W of San Antonio, TX {May 24, 2022}

This post in another thread backs that claim up a bit:

AP reporting as well:

There’s also a video that was posted to reddit today (that I won’t link to but you should be able to find) of officers holding back parents from trying to enter the school to help.

If true, those officers are going to find life in Uvalde very difficult indeed in future. It’s not that big a city…

It looks worse with every new piece of information that comes out. The cops waited outside for backup for 40 minutes. They “contained” the shooter in a classroom full of children. They somehow couldn’t manage to open a locked door. Some cops went into the school to get their own children out, but prevented other parents from going into the school.

And the police get 40% of Uvalde’s budget. What the f*** are they spending it on?


Beau has something to say…

I happen to be seeing the Today show this morning where grieving parents were painfully interviewed. One of them is wearing a hat with a TX logo that has a AR-15 silhouetted…skip to about 3:06 in the leading video…

I do not know what to say or even think at this point.

Beto O’Rourke wasn’t vulgar. Colleagues of Abbot’s on stage with him were:

… Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin, standing behind Abbott, shouted at O’Rourke, “I can’t believe you’re a sick son of a b---- that would come to a deal like this to make a political issue.”

When O’Rourke yelled toward the stage, “It’s on you,” McLaughlin replied: “It’s on assholes like you. Why don’t you get out of here.”…[Politico]


This carries some serious racist overtones. Knock it off.

Not a warning.

We have a 22nd victim. Teacher Irma Garcia’s husband has died from a heart attack, and people who knew them say it was from grief. Four children now have no parents at all.

On a positive note … the dogs are coming – therapy dogs:

When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”

― Fred Rogers (a/k/a Mr. Rogers)

I understand there’s some controversy surrounding this quote, but …

So the killer can lock a classroom door and flummox police but the school can’t lock the access doors for basic security?

One son is in marine boot camp, one son in university, one daughter going into sophomore year in high school, one daughter in seventh grade.

They must be… I can’t imagine the shock they are in.

According to David Grossman, retired LTC relaying what a veteran of Vietnam told him, there are three kinds of people in the world, sheep, wolves, and sheepdogs.

Understand that there is nothing morally superior about being a sheepdog; it is just what you choose to be. Also understand that a sheepdog is a funny critter: He is always sniffing around out on the perimeter, checking the breeze, barking at things that go bump in the night, and yearning for a righteous battle. That is, the young sheepdogs yearn for a righteous battle. The old sheepdogs are a little older and wiser, but they move to the sound of the guns when needed right along with the young ones.

It looks like we’ll have to consider a fourth, a sheep in sheepdogs’ – or wolves’ – clothing.

Is the Uvalde police force a part of the community or outsiders like the cops in Furguson were?

Yes, he said it after 9/11 because it was how he felt he could comfort children who wouldn’t understand something that adults can’t themselves comprehend.

On a related note, this delightful documentary did mention how they addressed 9/11, and the universal editorial decision was not to.

Binky Patrol, an organization I’ve been involved with for many years, has a shipment of blankets headed to Uvalde. Of course, they checked with people who lived there first to make sure the place wouldn’t be inundated with things like this that they couldn’t use.

Maybe someone should have reported to the police that the shooter was dealing drugs in the classroom. Then they would have gotten out the battering ram to break down the door.

One of the most incisive comments I’ve seen about the police (in)action:

I can’t seem seem to find the exact post, but someone commented that the police should remove “Protect” from their motto. I disagree; rather, it should be modified to read, “Serve and Protect the Racist, Oligarchical Status Quo.”

Since George Floyd’s murder I’ve had a running debate with the Elder Ottlet, who is firmly in the “Defund the Police” camp. I’ve tried to take a more moderate view, but after this I give up: she’s won.

This is a really morbid question, but I haven’t seen it asked anywhere.

Did the shooter kill everyone in that class, or did he leave anyone in that room alive? Or does anyone know?

I was watching this morning as a little boy (they didn’t name him and disguised his face) described what happened in that room. He watched his friends die. He watched his teachers die. He watched the assassin die. As I saw this my stomach twisted so bad I almost threw up.