22 MILLION, that's right, MILLION, Bush-era emails found

I’ll bet 21.5 million of them were LOLcats.

Well, Sirius Cybernetics had to start somewhere.

No it doesn’t – this does:

What’s interesting about the sheer volume of the emails is most likely the vast majority of them (like, say, at least 21,950,000 or so) are probably extremely mundane and totally of no interest to anyone, anywhere. Stuff like, “Hey we’re changing our 9 o’clock meeting to 10:30”, CCed to 30 people.

The sheer volume of emails meant it was all but certain people would want to know why they were missing. I have to wonder, if I wanted to hide emails of an embarrassing nature, wouldn’t it be better to get rid of a few thousand emails in the hope no one would notice they were missing?

Or perhaps when you start talking about a huge number like 22 million the hope is that since so much effort is being expended in retrieving a huge number of emails, any that you made “disappear” will not be noticed. I don’t really know what the data storage policies are at the White House but you delete an email in enough places and there really is no bringing it back. Especially when we’re talking about mass storage where it’s likely traditional file recovery methods will be difficult to pull off due to the high use of the drive.

No, you really didn’t get the joke.

Here’s the explanation per CNN’s article on the subject.