"24" Season 2, Episode 20 - 3:00 a.m. - 4:00 a.m. (SPOILERS)

And wasn’t the bitchy reporter from last year named Kingsley? Maureen Kingsley? The one who was threatening to break the story about Palmer’s son? (Remember, the daughter had been raped and the son had allegedly killed her rapist.)

Is that a coincidence or are they reusing the name?
Are they related?

No, that was Stanton.

Stanton was wearing a thong?

Resolved: “It’s too late, it’s not going to work.” actually means “No prob, gimme a sec… Yep, there we go.”

Oops. I misinterpereted. :smack:

I thought you meant that the guy was actually becoming a good guy again.

My mistake. I was wooshed.

Once again, Tony proves he’s a 100% stand-up guy.

Much better episode than the last one, although 24 is starting to build up a few too many cliches. People who can feel they are about to die, people who wait to die until they can utter a last important word to Jack… Hopefuly, that’s the last we’ll see of those two plot devices.

Mike will probably walk back into the light. I sense this because last episode he didn’t have Ro killed outright, and tonight she was hurt accidentally rather than by Mike or DoD thug.

Plus, Mikie didn’t sound that enthusiastic when he talked to the Veep, AND he couldn’t even make eye-contact when the Prez was thanking him for his loyalty. Nefarious villians, of course, coldy look you in the eye at those kind of moments.

Much, much better this week. I hope this is a sign that the last few episodes will live up to last seasons. Still, I can’t help poking some fun at the plot.

Big oil. Yes, did anyone else notice the oil rig on Evil Capitalist guy’s computer screen?

And bad-guy-torturer #2 obviously didn’t watch enough Star Trek when he was growing up. Otherwise he would’ve know Dr McCoy always uses the hypo to save the day. Anyone who WASN’T surprised at that?

It’s getting a little too PC, though. Yusef becomes a martyr for… America! See, muslims aren’t all bad. Do we need that drilled into our heads? And I guess this whole thing is about us getting our hands on more oil. I hope the finale proves me wrong on that one.

I really liked the Euro scene. “We want real American money” or something to that effect. I got a good laugh from that one.

I thought Ensign Ro was going to blow torch her way thru the door. Kind of like using a phaser. Anyway, the fire alarm wasn’t a bad ploy.

And Tony calling bitchy-computer lady’s bluff. Nice touch! But of course he didn’t fire her on the spot. They must REALLY be short handed.

Keifer is well on the way to being the new Steve McQueen. COOOOOOOL!! Somehow no matter how outrageous his comebacks, he can pull it off.

From the previews, Kim’s back next week. It even looks like she might be the one who saves the country. Heaven help us…

One other thing. Maybe I’ve been reading too many of December’s anti-American threads, but is Hollywood taking a swipe at Bush here?

Evil VP Prescott is staging a coup. Prescott Bush, W’s granddad. Bush stole the election!

Then again, this is FoxTV.

Yep. That was one of the best moments of the season so far.

“Hey big boy, I won’t tell Chapelle you’re helping Jack if you make me the boss of Michelle.”
“That right? Yo, Ryan! Carrie here says she won’t tell you I’m helping Jack if I make her the boss of Michelle.”
(Carrie wets herself)

Loved it.

I guess when there’s a bigger fish in the pool, his maverick side comes out. (Now there’s an odd mixed metaphor…) Makes us remember why we loved him so much for the first season and a half.

And there was Jack being a badass as usual. Those guys in the bathroom are in deep, deep shit. (“Jack, you’re the last guy I want tracking me down.”)

Other than that though, rank stupidity on which I can’t bring myself to comment. Personally, I liked it better when Kim was around. Because then when we had to deal with massively stupid plots, at least we got to look at Kim.

Good Lord!! Don’t these writers know how to read a map??

CTU traced Jack’s phone call to “somewhere between Encino and Studio City.” North Hollywood is NOT between those two cities. Not even close.

And how come it took Kate and her redneck captors 30 minutes to reach her house, when it took Jack only ten? And how does Jack know where Kate lives anyway??

I’ll have to chime in and agree that this one was a better episode than many in the recent “stop the war” storyline. Mostly because of Jack (as always), but also because of a few other scenes already mentioned. Most notably the scene with Mike “consoling” Ensign Ro on the stretcher – the hand grab. Oooooh, that was cold and devious!

Good to see Jack convincing the doctor to grow a pair, and the syringe scene, with Jack popping the henchmen first, then getting the info from paralyzed guy – excellent!

And when Jack bursts in at Kate’s house, my only thought was, “You idiots picked the wrong chick to rob… Jack Bauer against 3 street thugs. The thugs are toast…”

He tells the head thug, “I just want the chip, and then I’ll let you go.” Should I believe that one? After all, thugs killed Yousef (or beat him and left him to die). They have it coming, and I’m sure Jack knows it.

The Yousef giving Jack the info and then dying was cheesy – better to have Yousef live, even if he’s out of the action for the remainder.

Isn’t she in that new Dustin Hoffman movie? That might be why, maybe she got time off to go do that.

BTW, wasn’t that Kiefer doing VO for the MCI commercial, too? I’d swear he does this one college loan radio commercial I always hear as well.

And yes, props to Tony. Maybe he isn’t such a dick after all. But Chappelle, (who always makes me think of Dave Chappelle) has this guy ever been anything besides a weenie/asshole?

Mike is totally going to become “good” again. He’s been good for so long.

Are we ever going to hear from Sherry or Nina again? Or Abusive Dad?

Finally, should we start the Ensign Ro dead pool yet? Anyone want to lay odds on her living or dying? I’ll put $20 on “she dies, and that convinces Mike to go back to the good guys”.

I thought Ro/Lynne was going to blowtorch the door, too. And anyone who happened to be blocking the doorway. But I guess that sort of thing is best left to Mr. Bauer.

When Mike grabbed Lynne’s hand, I almost Pitted the bastard. That’s Bauer-cold. That’s Myers-cold. That horrid little man.

Then again, he really doesn’t seem to sure about all this. Maybe he’s being forced into it. Or maybe he honestly beleives that Palmer’s decision is dangerous enough to warrant action, even if it does require betraying Palmer.

I was wondering if Sutherland’s in the MCI commercial, too. I know he’s doing an MGD commercial (describing cold-filtered vs heat-something’ed).

Elisha Cuthbert isn’t in the Hoffman movie. Her most recent IMDb entries are:

Girl Next Door, The (2003)
Love Actually (2003)
Old School (2003)
“24” (2001)

The scene with Tony was awesome, but I wish they hadn’t completely blown their wad with evil worker (Carrie? Kerry? Kerrie?) yet. It’s more interesting when they’re scheming and conniving without coming right out and being evil.

I totally agree with everyone who said Yusef went out like a chump. He was developing into a real bad-ass, only to be taken down as a metaphor for racism.

And I also think they need to start paying more attention to that clock they’ve got running through the episode. All the plot twists are wacky and wildly unbelievable, sure, but that’s the gestalt of the show. But the one thing they have to keep believable is the clock, because that’s the entire gimmick of the series. And I can’t believe that anyone, even Jack Bauer, could go from flat-line to taking out four or five armed men, driving across LA (during riot conditions), and taking out an additional three armed men, all in the span of thirty minutes.

I could even buy him up and driving around within 15 minute minutes, considering that the doctor had pumped him with all that Pulp Fiction magic heart juice (what’s that stuff called again?) So they should’ve just ended Jack’s part of the episode with Jack’s finding Yusef in the phone booth, and Kate back at the house in peril, then moved the rescue into the next hour. They could’ve even had him swinging into the house on a rope with a rocket launcher, laughing as they punched his ammonium-scalpel wounds – just get the timing right!

All signs point to her dying, or at least having suffered “severe neurological damage” to take her out of the picture. And Mike’s been suspicious since the beginning; it’s no surprise to see him turn bad. On the other hand, I only started watching this show at around 1 PM, so I don’t know how it works (never saw any of last season’s). But I’d be more inclined to think that whether dead or alive, her story’s pretty much over.

I hope Lynne lives, so I’ll cover the $20. I also hope she revives in time and can point the finger. I like Lynne a lot. She is the most loyal person on Palmers staff and is good for the show (not to mention a very beautiful lady). Keeping my fingers crossed she returns another season. Obviously though there will be an attempt on her life while in the hospital.

It was a shame Yusef died. The last second “I’m not going to make it” and then dieing as he gives vital information to Jack was cheesy as hell and over the line for that sort of thing to happen again. I was thinking “Isn’t he at least going to put the body in the car?”.

F*ck Novick, he needs to be shot in the head. I don’t think he’s worried because he thinks he may be wrong, I think he’s worried because he may be caught. He had no qualms at all about what he did to Lynne. He is most definitely NOT a good guy. The last 2 episodes make me question whether he ever was a good guy or just a snake in the grass like Sherry. Perhaps not comparable to Sherry so much, but seems to me at least an oppurtunist.

Contrary to popular opinion, I happen to like Kim. The girl has been through hell. Losing her Mom was pretty bad, but thinking she had also lost her Dad would have sent most of us over the edge. When she finds out what happened to Miguel she may very well lose it because in a sense that was sort of her fault. Like he said “I don’t know why I let you talk me into all that stuff”. I think he blames her for losing his leg, but also he may not want her to see him like that. Regardless, I like Kim. So sue me/flame me, I’m a :wally

Tony is finally back on the right track but I can’t blame him for his apprehension. When you’ve got all the experts telling you something is real it is hard to believe one man (even if it is Jack). Especially considering the original source of information. I loved the way he burned Carrie. That was great!

My predictions for next week: Possible attempt on Lynne, Jack gets the chip and then decides to let the guy walk but has to kill him anyway because the moron tries to kill Jack, Novick gets burned by Lynne as Palmer finds out what is taking place behind his back, the chip finally makes it to CTU, turns out chip was already fried from the electricity (possibly will still be salvaged somehow in another episode. after all, who here believes the show could survive if wwIII breaks out? ok, possibly it could.), Kim returns (yea!).

Another nice Kim-free episode. I hope this doesn’t mean that next week’s episode will be double-Kim time? Ack.

SolGrundy, I was thinking the same thing about the timing. There’s NO WAY anyone could be up and kicking ass 10 minutes after flatlining. Not even Jack. And I saw the hypo-in-the-back trick coming a mile away.

And as for Kate–she’s veering dangerously close to Kim-territory with those ridiculous predicaments she keeps getting tangled up in. And Jack keeps having to waste valuable time saving her ass.

I loved the scene with Tony and Carrie though. She sounded like a little kid about to tattle on someone. She had that “I’m gonna tell” smirk on her face right up until Tony called the big boss over. Go Tony!

Anyone else think that Nina is gonna show up again in the last couple of episodes? I think she’s gonna play a major role in the finale. Of course, she would have to escape from police custody again. But that shouldn’t be much of a problem for someone who has the ability to kill a man with credit card to the neck while under the watch of three armed guards.

What is with this show killing off all the cute Middle Eastern guys? First Resa, now Yousef.

Honestly, Kate, trying to bribe rednecks with Euros? How out of touch can she be? I also thought the Muslim Beaters were going to take it from her in trade…it’s nice to see her virtue is still intact.

I would like a medical professional to weigh in on the credibility of Jack going from a flatline to full mental capability and rescuing Kate within half an hour. Considering he’s been up nearl 24 hours, shouldn’t he be exhausted by now, adrenaline rushes notwithstanding.

Next week It looks like Kim saves the day. I only hope it’s not too Wesley Crusher-like.

Ivylass -

The way they were wording the commercial, they made it look like it was a “by the end of the season” ad, so I’m guessing that they will spread all that stuff from the preview over the next four episodes.

Again, a very good episode. The bit with Tony and Carrie was fantastic!

I really have nothing more to say that hasn’t been said, but is it at all possible Yuseff just passed out? I also find it funny that the Redneck guys played “Kill the Middle Eastern Guy” by removing the bullets, then leaving him a bloody pulp, but then seriously considered killing Kate. That whole bit was rather stupid, but I did like the “What’s this?” That 20,000 Euros. “We want MONEY.” That was great.

I’m thinking the one skinny red neck guy is going to help Jack out and try to take out Big Redneck, allowing Jack to get the chip. I was waiting for Jack to respond to the “I’ll step on it” remark with “Listen asshole, tonight, I’ve been shot, stabbed, cut, electrocuted, burned, killed, ressurrected, and tortured all over again for that thing. If you damage it in ANY way, I’m going to make sure your death makes my evening look like a picnic!”

Nice to see no Kim in the episode, but I’m really a little worried about how they’re going to throw her back into the mix. The preview seems to show it as though she’s going to find the big bad and take him out, but I’m hoping Daddy just convinces her to wipe Abussive Father/Wife Killer out of the picture. “It’s okay honey, I’ll clear up everything later.”

Lynn’s dead. Sad but true. I, too, feel that this will help Mike turn back to the good side. I don’t think he wanted anything bad to happen to her, otherwise, he would have had the security guard shoot her in the face than just lock her up till everything was over. He never wanted her to get hurt, he just couldn’t afford to let her interfere. He’s shown the whole ordeal has been working on his concience when he was talking to the VP, and that’s before she got hurt, so I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.