24 - Season 3, Episode 10, 10:00PM - 11:00PM (SPOILERS)

Parents are a protected class! Don’t yell at me! I’m trying hard! I’m calling the ACLU! I’m running away! That’ll teach you!

Ten bucks says she gets whacked by episode 16.

Twenty bucks says Kim gets to kill Nina in episode 23.

Maybe I missed something, but were CLOWdia and friends speeding off in a pick-up truck (Ford, I reckon) with the tailgate open? Did it get shot open or something? If not - close that badboy!

That was indeed a bummer about her death. Not surprising for this show though. I actually didn’t think Chase was going to survive long enough to get stranded by a broken truck. Wait a minute, maybe it wasn’t a Ford. :smiley:

I’m sick of Wayne Palmer, and his little subplot already. Nuke 'em and get back to Jack.

Good episode overall, can’t wait for next week… er, two weeks! (Do we really need six hours of the American Idol premiere?)

I forgot one other thing: Chase is a wuss. He can handle getting shot through the hand, but can’t squeak out “Tell Kim I love her” even when he knows he is in serious danger. Silly boy.

I liked it when President Palmer said, “if he wants to play dirty…” and picks up the phone and calls the meanest of the mean, the lowest of the low, the bitch on wheels…his ex-wife! Can’t wait to see what happens when he lets that pitbull loose on his enemy!

I also thought the sudden addition of a baby smelled a little of Trojan diaper. We’ll see if the baby suddenly develops a fever and JarJar starts to cough up blood…

Thought it was a great episode. BTW, I now have my entire family hooked on the show by buying Season 1 and Season 2 on DVD for Christmas. The discs have made the rounds of their friends and they are all pissed off it is too late to start to see this season and they have to wait for the DVDs to come out.

Wait! What? TWO weeks? For American Idol? BAH!!! See what I get for not watching “next week on 24…”?

Chiming in late this week since I’m having a hard time adjusting to the new format. I know it’s basically the same but it messes with my psyche.

When Palmer said “Give me a few minutes” and picked up the phone, I said to my dog, “notsherrynotsherrynotsherrynotsherrynotsherry…awww NOT SHERRY!!!” Has that man learned nothing??? Sherry tried to have you impeached. You kicked her to the curb! She doesn’t LIKE YOU! You want Alan off your back, listen to me: Make an announcement that you fired your brother, then after your medicare bill passes, hire him back! Guh! Hell, bring back Mike or Ensign Ro to fill in until then.

Daggum, Chase once again avoids getting killed, thus bringing my “predictions based on the first episode come true” to…zero I think. You’ll get yours, Chase. I bet when they pull that bullet out of CLOWdia’s head, it’ll have your name on it. That’ll make you sweat a bit.

I’d have kissed Nina. Then again, she never killed my wife either.

Survey, that had me laughing for an hour and doing my best to copy what that would sound like. Ask your wife if she’ll marry me. What? She’s already what? Oh, nevermind then.

Sure were. Not too smart, eh? Jack may not be so happy to find out CLOWdia died under Chase’s care.

I’d be pretty disappointed with this. It seems a bit too contrived and unlikely. Well, I guess that sums up 24 pretty well. It’d seem too much like a blatant crowd-pleaser.

Me too. The fetal position is not all that unlikely, nor is recoiling from the screen much like Gollum recoiling from Sam.

Chloe’s character is a major pain in the ass, but she has a lot of potential to be a very interesting subplot, which will hopefully tie in to the main plot. The babysitter thing could definitely be a sign, but it seemed to smack of the late-night sneak out of Kim and friend form the first season. Bad guys getting to the good guys in a roundabout way through friends and all.