24: Season 4: Episode 6 (12:00pm - 1:00pm)

Jack is a badass!

I totally loved the idea of the internet broadcast, whole world watching, suddenly changing from terrorist mock-trial to Jack wasting the bad guys, cameras still rolling, whole world still watching! How cool is that?

And I really like Heller – William Devane is awesome, and Heller is a badass, too. Not afraid to grab a gun and join the fray. And I just like the character’s attitude and demeanor.

So… I’ll have to rewind and go back and try to catch it, but it sounded like Ward Evil was telling June Evil that somebody higher up ordered that the Beaver get killed, too. But then later, when the Beaver is enjoying a nice game of the American pasttime (shovel baseball), the baddie says his father ordered him killed. So… Did EvilDad lie to EvilMom just to make it sound like it was out of his hands (somebody higher in the chain of command ordered Bahrooz to get whacked) – or was the decision really EvilDad’s, and he was trying to sugar-coat it for EvilMom?

And if it really was daddy’s decision, I wonder if he saw through the situation and realized that mommy was the one who offed Little Debbie, not Bahrooz.

Are the bad guys raising Imhotep to try and defeat Jack Bauer? That’s so not going to work.

Yeah. It was during that part of the show that I realized that if they ever face off, Jack would take James Bond apart.

I think it was definitely EvilDad’s decision to take out the Kid. And I think the Kid is going to be The Key to the rest of the day. Armed with both the gun. . . and the shovel. . . he’s off to get his REVENGE. And if The Kid takes out EvilDad and if EvilDad really is the Big Cheese of the Terrorist Gang, the threat might fall apart without its leader. And maybe Jack will take The Kid under his wing and turn him into a good CTU guy.

But I don’t think EvilDad is really the Big Cheese. I think he’s sort of medium cheese. In a previous episode, he said something like “Omar was pleased”, referring to their work. Sounded like Omar outranked him, although now Omar has had a career change of sorts (after meeting Jack). :wink:

Omar is now Swiss Cheese.

I think the B’vehr left the gun AND the shovel behind, complete with his fingerprints all over everything.

I don’t know why the B’vehr (good one, Voodoo Lou) didn’t grab the gun FIRST THING – even after the first shovel whack when the guy was still moving and reaching for the gun. Whack and grab the gun – that should be the priority! I mean, we know rock beats scissors and scissors cuts paper, but usually gun beats shovel unless (in B’vehr’s case) luck and shovel beats gun.

For the record, annieclaus, I agree – I think EvilDad did make the decision to whack the B’vehr. And I think he lied to his wife about the decision coming from somebody else, to keep her from going apeshit on him, or poisoning his tea or something.

So now that we know more about the bigger picture – the nuclear power plants…

How many think the plan is to simply send all the power plants into meltdown?
And how many think the plan is to send the power plants into meltdown “unless you meet our demands by so-and-so-o-clock”?

The former is the less cliched option, but the latter would certainly give Jack and Friends time to continue cracking the case and set up a time frame to beat.

At this point, I just want Jack and Secretary of Defense Brian Dennehy to kill a lot more bad guys, the B’vehr to waste the Q’levers, and Chloe and the King of Queens-looking guy to form a tag team and take out all the bastards at CTU. :slight_smile:

I fear that the mid season doldrums have have kicked off tonight with the reveal of Yet Another CTU Mole™. If any real Homeland Security people are reading this, please note that perhaps it’s not a good idea to give contractors who’ve worked for you for 45 minutes access to more stuff than the president has. Just a thought.

Overall a good episode though. I especially liked Baruz’s action.

Yeah, I have mixed feelings about the new CTU Mole business.

[Dr. Evil]
And I shall call her… Mini-Sherry

Apparently CTU doesn’t believe in background checks, but then again, they never have. I think Edgar’s going to be the one to discover her. Here’s how I picture it:

Mini-Sherry: I’ll go to Driscoll and tell her you were helping Chloe!
Edgar-You’re-A-Geek: I’ll tell Driscoll you’re a mole!

(later, Driscoll is killed by her own daughter, who thankfully did not appear in this week’s episode!)

Edgar-You’re-A-Geek: Give me the gun.
Mini-Sherry: Why?
Edgar: With her dead, we got nothin’ on each other.
Mini-Sherry: I guess you’re right…

(Edgar points gun at Mini-Sherry)

Mini-Sherry: But we’re square! You said it yourself!
Edgar: Yep.
Mini-Sherry: Look into your heart!
Edgar: What heart?

Now, what would have been funny would have been to have Mini-Sherry (Marianne) have a mole on her face, just above the lip… you know, a la Austin Powers 3. Just to see if anybody would notice before tonight. :smiley:

Just in case anybody is interested, according to the IMDB…

Former President David Palmer will be in future episodes, towards the end of the season

I just realized why you said this. Cool! :wink:

Is it my imagination or did someone just talk about whacking the B’vehr? :smiley:

… it was an okay episode, with not too many outrageous plot twists that cause me to lose interest, but like others have said, the season is young…

Just went back through some scenes again.

When Tariq (future shovel face) came in, he said, “your mother told Marwan you took care of the American girl?” (in a tone that sounded a little disbelieving).

And it was this “Marwan” guy that EvilDad was talking to on the phone in that scene, then in the later conversation:
EvilMom: “I told Marwan that Behrooz took care of the girl!”
EvilDad: “Marwan must not have been satisfied. He must have decided that…” (pause) “Behrooz was a liability”.

EvilDad didn’t sound too convincing in this last line, especially with the pause. So I’m pretty sure now that Dad did make the decision to whack the B’vehr, not Marwan.

She really can’t be Mini-Sherry since actress Aisha Tyler is really tall (6’ according to the IMDB). Much taller than Penny Johnson Jerald, who looked to be quite petite.

Great Episode, the first 10 minutes rocked! Did anyone but me want there to be an extra letter in that monogram on the briefcase? I was so starting to think it was a McGuffin. Still I was leaning towards chemical/nerve weapon (despite the “it’s been done in season 2” instead of a universal remote for nuclear powerplants. With my remote, I can only keep airliners from flying overhead. Did you notice all those slots? It must take a shit load of batteried to control 109 powerplants.

Ok, now we have two moles, Ms Manipulative lite, and whoever that was that **Mrs. Soon to be Toast[/b[ recognized at the Secret Hideout. Btw, whoever it was that was saying Soon to be Toast was part of the plot is delusional. Only one Anti-American per family allowed, unless you’re from a brown country then the ratios are reversed. Oh and my prediction Mr. Bean will soon be facing a smack down, but I’m thinking of the Joe Nobody open hand to the windpipe variety.

For a whole season I was waiting for a Chloe free or a Chloe offed episode, now that we like Chloe where the hell was she?
New Chategorys:

Spotted a mile away:

Sec Def: I authorize you to do whatever you feel is neccesary to get info out of Anarchist Son.

Way to go Moron:

Leave Big Terrorist Badass out in the open next to an open grave with the body of someone reported missing.

Well, I really only meant “Mini-Sherry” in terms of the scope of devious nature and evil ability, not physical stature. I think of her currently as sort of a Sherry-Apprentice.

Applying for a new job at Moles-R-Us, since she heard moles get paid better.

What was the matter with ForeignHubby’s accent? The actor playing him is English, although it seems that James Frain has been playing Americans a bit recently.