24: Season 5: Episode 7 (1:00pm - 2:00pm)

CTU can pinpoint who is in a particular apartment in a L.A. highrise within seconds, but the identity of the guy who took Samwise’s wallet will never be learned.

What self-respecting robber wants anything in a wallet other than the cash and credit cards? What else is he going to do with the stuff?

“Hey, look at me! I got me a keycard!”

I’m just glad that everyone seems to have moved on so quickly after the brutal murder of one of their own staff doctors. Say what you want about CTU, their employees sure are resilient.

So far, this season fills me with meh.

Maybe it’s because it’s the first time I’m watching 24 on broadcast TV, instead of waiting for the DVDs and slurping down three episodes a night.

Or maybe it’s because I’m able to participate in these threads. You people sure are sarcastic bastards, and now I can’t take anything seriously.
I kid, I kid.

But really: we are seeing the writers rely too much on certain types of stories, to the point where they become cliche. The CTU higher-up with the cuckoo relative. The presidential staff weasel. The insanely compressed Los Angeles, with freeways devoid of traffic. The terrorist event that’s actually a distraction from the real plot. The “we’re members of an elite counter-terrorism unit, and we routinely forget to sweep the room for guns, gosh darnit!”

I hope things pick up pretty soon.

And yeah, Bauer was a little too harsh on the downstairs security guard.

Unless terrorists who need access to CTU learned that he had a junkie sister, bribed her with said junk, and carried out the Plan to Get the Keycard, as seen. That’s pretty much how Kim’s kidnapping happened in Season 1, except they enticed her with Older Boys instead of drugs.

Good point, I didn’t think of that. Since they’re reusing all the old stories again, it’ll probably end up with Lynn being forced to work for the terrorists while his sister is held hostage and threatened.

Waaaaait a second. If the muggers took Samwise’s keycard, how the hell DID he get back in the building?

Wait a minute! What if From Russia with Love runs away from the CTU boys to avoid a nasty murder charge. She is the sister of terrorist guy, but has no idea where he is or how to get a hold of him. She winds up on the streets trying to stay alive and hidden from CTU. She turns to some shady characters for food and shelter–people who obviously have connections with Sam’s sister. The two meet, and she sees the I.D. She takes it with her just in case, and then meets up with terrorist brother later on. He gets the key card and starts to wreak havoc in CTU.

I love it when a plan comes together… :wink:

I really wish you wouldn’t give them ideas…

I don’t think he went back yet.

He was back giving orders at the end. He also managed to clean himself up pretty good. I wonder when the bruises will start to show?

My favorite part of last night was explaining Kim Bauer to my wife, who has only watched the past two seasons:

WIFE: Kim? He has a daughter?

ME: Yes. She was a big part of season three and the last we heard of her, she had married Jack’s old partner.

WIFE: Is she hotter than Chloe?

ME: Infinitely.

WIFE: Wait — Jack had a partner that survived the whole day?

ME: Yes. But Jack cut the dude’s hand off towards the end and also nearly blew his head off earlier that day.

WIFE: (pause…) All that because he wanted to marry Jack’s daughter?

I dunno, it struck me as funny.

That coked-up sister couldn’t have been played better if Courtney Love had the part.

Wouldn’t SOP be for the CTU team to sweep that pedophile’s room for weapons so maybe a molested, kidnapped 15 year-old wouldn’t get strapped and unload on said pedophile?

And finally, I appreciate that this is a television show, and that as such it will take liberties, but you’d think Curtis would be hurtin pretty hard the rest of the episode after taking a slug in his vest. I read something about a Marine in Iraq who took two slugs in one of those vests and he said it felt like someone caved in his rib cage w a ball bat, he couldn’t breathe or move w/o a lot of pain for the first hours afterwards, etc.

On the other hand, maybe those guys have some sort of micro-digital adrenaline-booster planted on them, and they don’t feel shit. Giddyap.

Absolutely not.

Survey1215, wait until Tony Soul-Patch saves the day in hour 23! Also, didn’t Jack crack a couple of ribs two-three hours ago? Curtis is just trying to keep pace with his hero.

Exactly. He walked into a breifing meeting with the apology for being “late”.

Now I know one would be in big trouble to admit being mugged and having your key card stolen, but don’t you think that’s maybe something you should mention?

You know, “Hey, just stepped outside to pee in the bushes for a second, got mugged by a couple of crackheads. No biggie, but they did get my passcard. Do you think that I could, you know, maybe get another one and you might want to flag my old one, just for laughs?.”

His character seemed to have more common sense than that in earlier episodes.

Come on.
Chloe turns wine to vinegar and beer sour with that look of hers.
Besides, she would fire you the next morning. Probably hack into your place of employment and get you fired. :slight_smile:

And she’s hot.

Chloe is several orders of magnitude more attractive than Kim. I’ll take “bitchy” over “vapid” any day.

Besides, while Chloe would probably be bossy and petulant in bed (either alternately or simultaneously,) Kim would disappear into the en suite bathroom to insert her diaphragm and you’d go looking for her a half-hour later and find that she’d managed to get herself stuck somehow.

If what was stolen from HobbitBoy was a pass to get into the building, they can void it if it’s electronic. That’s what we do here. Or if it’s just his photo and all, it SHOULD be obvious to whoever it is shown to.

The girl is only 15, and from Kiev, not Russia. She is a pretty good shot for being so young, but I wouldn’t expect her to be in on the shenanigans down the line. But what do I know. I can’t believe she didn’t blow Jack away when she had the chance, must be his trusting I-wouldn’t-hurt-a-flea eyes.

I’ve seen that Chloe scowl on a lot of ex-girlfriends.

Who is Yellow Tie? Logan?

Yellow Tie is the lead terrorist, who Jack identified by his tie in the airport. Said tie was, as I’m sure you have guessed by now, yellow.

Very true.
