24: Season 5: Episodes 3-4 (9:00am - 11:00am)

Buchanan’s probably thinking… “Why the hell do I have to take orders from a hobbit?”

If he weren’t so damned smug.

Is it me or does Sean look a lot like Nathan Lane?

Unless Samwise figures it out and stops them at the last second, Jack has really pulled a Tony here…

Score one for me, and score one for my brother, who guessed “Flank 2” was a duress code.

Okay so minor problem. The kid has been through a life or death situation and his mom has been worried sick. What does he do? He gives the kid over to some agent. This might turn out to be nothing (but I doubt it).


I’m loving Samwise right now.

So what’s with Yellow Tie? I saw him get the keycard from the terrorist.

Okay, I have more respect for the hobbit now. And when he started asking for the assult plans and Jack’s phone transcripts, I had a feeling he was going to spot something and stop the assult at the wrong place.

Good luck, little hobbit, messing with Jack Bauer.

I figured there was something radioactive in the big box, but what, exactly is it?
Anybody wanna bet Jack never gets to CTU?

That Flank 2 thing was pretty obvious, to me at least. At first I thought that it was a duress code, but when CTU didn’t pick up on it, I figured that maybe he was describing a situation that was impossible.

Did I see a Biohazard symbol on the top of those canisters?

So, that whole hostage thing was. just. a. diversion?

Who would have thunk it?

Please remind me to use airports without nerve gas in the basement of the terminal from now on.

Like this one, I mean.

It can’t be radioactive… if it were, they’d need to have radiation suits for their precautionary protection.

Likewise, it can’t be a chemical weapon, because those (well, most of the ones I’m aware of) can work through the skin as well as through the lungs.

So that means it’s gotta be some type of biological weapon. Any guesses?

Yep. It’s nerve gas. How many will die this time? They have to ramp up the death count from last year.

Flank 2 was repeated soo many times that it had to mean something needed “another look” at.

Side note, Among the Hostages… Did I see the Mother and son Salazar from the Season where Jack ((And Chase)) were in Mexico ?

Also… Was that a Werner Sister in the teaser for next week?

I think Priceline has a thing for that.

I don’t quite understand WTF Jack was thinking when he blew up the one terrorist. How did he know which one would explode? And how did he know the guy wouldn’t be standing next to a bunch of hostages, killing them in the process?

Wait, I think I can answer my own quesiton… I think I was confusing the guy whose transmitter thing he saw with the head bad guy.