24: Season 6: Episodes 1-2 (6:00am - 8:00am) Season Premiere!

No ticket.

“So Jack was right. He was right all along…”

Duh! Have you folks learned nothing?

Man, that should have been MY joke. :smack:

How did Jack find the phone # of his GPS phone to give to Assad?

Also, Dr Bashir filling out nicely.

Was that Shaun Majumer in the perp lineup?

Let the nitpicking begin!

Unless you are going to commit to putting the make-up on Sutherland’s temple ever day, don’t have the bad guys hit him there, in the first show, so hard that it bleeds profusely.

Jack sure filled out that shirt nicely considering he’s been tortured for the last two years.

Stupid terrorists. Not only did they piss Jack off, but now he’s got a taste for human flesh.

By the way, what with the time lags between seasons (generally about a year and a half or more) exactly what year is it in 24 world. I estimate around 2011 or 2012.

Plus the burns on his hands.

You know, I think I said the same thing. :smiley:

I knew that I was in for a treat all season long when Jacks first kill was tearing someones neck open with his teeth.

A couple of times during the episodes tonight, I thought that the shifting political climate has affected 24. I mean, Jack had a hard time torturing anybody, we had some civil liberties stuff going on with the Prez’s sister, and then there was the stuff in the promo for tomorrow. Was anybody else thinking along those lines?

So, I wonder if any of Assad’s neighbor’s saw the airstrike, and how they reacted. Imagine… you’re hanging out on your front porch, sipping your lemonade. All of a sudden, you see two choppers approach and fire a missile into your neighbor’s house. So, do you:

a) Call the police?
b) Run for your life?
c) Shit several bricks and use them to build a wall?

I found it unrealistic (how unusual for 24) that she would delete the personnel files; she fins fault with the FBI for breaking the law, then does it herself when they have a questionable warrant.

Did you catch the look Jack gave the Chinese diplomat/operative? Something tells me he shouldn’t start any long books.

I suspect the major torture the Chinese put Jack through was depriving him of his cell phone for 20 months. Lucky for him there was one in the car he jacked. (Of course, if this is really 2012 or so, the cell phone which looks pretty high tech to us is probably just some old junker that someone keeps in their dash for emergencies.)

I’m a bit puzzled though. Apparently there was some price the Chinese would accept for Jack’s repatriation. Given that his buddy is now President and given his known service to the country – why weren’t they ponying up that price months ago? If I were Jack, once I thought about this, I’d be a bit peeved.

I’m glad to see that Jack hasn’t lost any of his time management skills. In two hours, he’s killed a terrorist, rescued another, stopped a suicide bombing and once more became a renegade from CTU. If it were me, I’d still be shaving away that mane of hair.

(Not totally clear on CTU’s tactics either. Oh, let’s blow up the terrorist hideway with all the high tech goodies and computers full of useful data. Doesn’t seem like a great idea.)

Man, all terrorkid 2.0 wanted to do was get some freakin’ White Castle up in here.


Funny how the President’s sister has never shown up before… you know, when her other brother was assassinated and all.

Good to see Dr. Bashir!

thank you - I knew I wanted to make a comment, but I couldn’t remember what it was. now I know I was going to comment on the previously unmentioned sister. Maybe it is a kind of balance for siblings that disappear (Chuck from Happy Days, Donna’s sister from That 70’s Show)


Yeah…I used the same joke with my girlfriend. Jack Bauer LITERALLY eats terrorists for breakfast!
From now on, I am opening every phone call with “I DON’T HAVE TIME TO EXPLAIN…!!”

Samwise Gamgi? Dr Bashir? Taj/Khumar? 24 has become the place where typecast actors literally come to die.

And what was up with Bauer buttoning the top button?

As they said, it was a very high price to pay. I’m sure it wasn’t something that they could do lightly.