24: Season 8: Episode 20 (11:00am - 12:00pm)

Well, that was a strange way to end next week’s previews.

Wow, so they making it like Dana was right after all – he was going to get the evidence and execute everybody involved?

I wonder if he was going to let her go back when he said “I give you my word” – before she started the escape attempt? I thought he was telling the truth at that point (typically Jack’s word is good). But maybe not. Of course, when she pulled that escape BS, all bets are off.

Wonder how Cole will feel about this turn of events.

On the other hand, I’m kind of glad that they’re just letting go of all rationality and making the last few episodes revenge/torture fantasy.

I would like to see Taylor’s cover-up blow up in her face when (if) President Shamwow’s wife finds out about the Russians.

Maybe he believed he would let her off at the time he made his promise, but then when he was face to face with the gun in hand…

That moment gave me a flashback to the final Nina moment in season 3.

On an unrelated topic, I noticed in the preview for next week that

it appears the reporter chick that Hassan was doing will be showing up again – she was in one of the clips, a brief bit towards the end

They ran into that construction area with the drywall, was it? and I was like I’ve seen this before, Except Bauer’s name was Chance…And they were on a monorail. :eek:

Well at least Jack will have to go back to Michael Masden to find out what’s on the chip–everyone in NYC must know they need to lock down by now.

I liked Starbuck!
I hope the chip has a text file that reads, “Fuck you.”


I really didn’t think Jack would have shot her.

OK, gotta call the writers on this one:

After Jack gets the info from Starbuck at gunpoint, he then puts her back in the SUV, then walks off to have a little chat with Cole. Dana just stays seated, presumably with her seat belt on and hands folded???

It was totally driving me batty that Logan’s weaselly aid looked so familiar and I couldn’t place him… looked it up on IMDB and he’s the security chief from Dollhouse. Of course!

I really enjoyed this episode. The dynamic with CTU being kind-of controlled by kind-of bad guys, and Jack is on the run and so forth, is just new enough to be interesting, and Jack taking down the entire building full of mean torturers just so that he could kill Dana himself was pretty badass.

Knowing Jack, I’ll bet he assumed Dana was lying when she told him she didn’t kill Cole. “Yeah, right . . . BLAM!” Now he’s going to find out Cole is okay, and Cole will ask, “So, what happened to my wacky, high-maintenance girlfriend? Didja have to knock her out or something? Cuz I’ll totally understand if you did.” And Jack will go, “Ummm . . . about that.”

Awkward moments in 24 history!

President Maude is sure looking a lot more weak-willed this season.

Jack’s pretty battered by now. Do you think the season/series might end with him finding some way to kill himself while saving the country one last time?

I’d be okay with that, except that it would nix the idea of a 24 movie. (I don’t think that the series would accommodate any midquels, and Kiefer is too old to play Jack in a prequel.)

As an aside, I’d really like to see a 24: Chloe spin-off.



BTW, I think that it’s high time for Cole to get a nickname. We’ve got nicknames for all the heroes with Baueresque levels of awesomeness – Black Bauer, Hack Bauer, Agent Rowrr and (arguably) Bald Bauer.

So what should we call Cole? “Fred from Scooby Doo”?

Starbuck’s Bitch.

Scrappy Dappy Bauer?

Who’s Hack Bauer?

And are you kidding? Aaron is so cool, Jack should be nicknamed after him.