24: Season 8: Episode 20 (11:00am - 12:00pm)

Reed Diamond did his best work (that I am familiar with) on Homicide: Life on the Street.

In Season 5 Jack kills Christopher Henderson in revenge for David Palmer, Michelle and Tony’s deaths. (although Tony’s death didn’t stick)

They’re facing each other on top of a submarine with guns drawn, Henderson pulls the trigger attempting to kill Jack only to discover that the gun Jack had given him was never loaded. Jack had clearly given him an unloaded gun on purpose and as the audience we finally see that Henderson was never armed, then Jack proceeds to shoot and kill him in revenge.

I’m wondering if he’ll end up in custody, after his vigilante rampage comes to a close. I think he might finish this season heading off to prison (instead of to L.A. to be with Kim and family).

Seriously? That’s Chloe O’Brian, the star of the show.

No offense to Aaron Pierce, but I’ll believe that when I seem him take a hacksaw to somebody’s neck.

Meh. Chloe with a machinegun made her just Chloe to me.

There is no way Jack would have shot that police officer…in the head.

What police officer? The one he threatened and then knocked out? Or the one he shot in the foot?

The only person to get it in the head was Bledsoe, the “private security leader”.

The one he was holding “hostage” and threatening to shoot in the head (or at least that is where the gun was pointing) while screaming at the other cop “Do you know who I am?” I was just commenting that although the other cop certainly could believe it, I would never think Jack would kill a cop just doing his job.

In this season, has Jack offed more “good” guys than bad guys?

As I recall, he got involved in a fire fight with a special ops unit who were going to seize Hassan, but they were still US troops and nominally good guys. Likewise, the private security firm was involved in torture and Not Nice Guys, but they were civilians under the employ of the President of the US. He was involved in taking Dana, an escaped prisoner, to the bank, so by most state laws, you can probably make a good case that he’s an accessory in the death of the bank officer. Add in the shooting of a cop in the foot and Jack’s karma account is looking pretty overdrawn.

Not sure how this day is going to end up, but Jack as retired grandpa in California is looking increasingly unlikely.

Yep, Chloe doesn’t need Jack. She can take care of herself just fine. It’s Jack that needs Chloe.

Pretty sure if Starbuck had agreed to Jack’s terms and politely gotten the evidence and given it to him Jack would have let her walk with a promise to shoot her if he ever crossed paths with her again.

But then Starbuck had to get all uppity and all bets were off. She had proved to Jack over and over that she absolutely could not be trusted and would do 100% what was in her best interests…period. As such she was too dangerous and all bets were off.


Did Jack play with the crime scene to make it look like self defense? I wonder if he will even bother.

I would have to argue that the special ops guys ceased being good guys when they started murdering Secret Service agents from ambush.

I’d agree that Jack wasn’t really going to shoot that cop. He just had to make the partner think he would, to get him to put his gun down. Jack does that a lot – he seems to have a very convincing shout.

I should imagine Jack’s lawyer will use that argument as well. :slight_smile: