30 Rock...LIVE! 4/26

I think it was:

"What do you get when you cross a lady driver with the Viet Cong?

A hundred thousand senseless dents."

Do it to it!

They did the same bit last time they did a live 30 Rock. I got no complaints. Cheyenne Jackson looks good; I just wish he was on the show more.

I agree that the West Coast version was smoother but I thought “Best Prom Night Ever!” was a better line than “Best Sweet 16 Ever!”

Well, that version makes a little more sense, I guess… was the specific phrase “a hundred thousand senseless deaths” bandied about in the Vietnam era?

Constantly. During and after. Still is, except we have newer wars with senseless deaths to bemoan.

I enjoyed the episode but I think it would have sucked if it had not been live. The whole intrigue was the inherent danger, and who would be in the next cameo. The comedy was average, the situation was exceptional.

I definitely had more of a sense that it was live than I do when watching SNL. I’ve become immune to the effect on that show.

I just saw both feeds on Hulu.

I think that a big reason that the show worked as well as it did was because most of the cast is used to doing live comedy. Many of the guests are SNL alumni and a good number of the regular cast members worked with Fey when she was doing improv before SNL. Had the show gone with a cast not already skilled in live performance, it probably wouldn’t have been as good or as funny.

Oh, and Cheyenne Jackson and Jon Hamm… yummy!

I 'm a french translator for the TV and I don’t understand the joke.
Could you explain it to me please

Thank you

In traditional American humor, a woman driver was a bad driver. (This has been replaced with an Asian sterotype which is no more accurate.) Therefore, a woman driving would probably get thousands of dents in her car for no reason.

The opposition to the Vietnam war used the impression that the conflict did not act to protect American interests to make the point that the deaths on both sides were “senseless,” that is that there was no compelling reason for us to be killing the Vietnamese.

The actual joke was that this is a terrible, artificially edgy political joke. The joke itself is not funny; the humor comes from the recognition that comic writers in the late '60s would have thought something like that would be “hip” and funny.

I don’t know how you would translate the (bad) pun in French.

“bosse” vs. “blesse”?

Caught up with this episode last week. The urge to blurt out “Banjo!” is overwhelming.

Jon Hamm was great.