300 seconds between searches? Why is this?

I’ve been on other forums, some of which use the same format as this one, and I have never had to wait three hundred seconds between searches. I think this is a ridiculously long amount of time to perform a search on a website. I know, I know, “three hundred seconds is a long time? Kid, you don’t know what a long time is!” I can practically hear my damn grandpa barking this out in his crude, harsh Brooklyn accent, so you don’t have to even say it. For me, yes, three hundred seconds is a long time to do a search on a message board.

Why does it take such a goddamn ungodly long time?

Previous thread.

Sheesh, why didn’t you do a… oh.

ETA: To summarize the other thread, the answer is: because.

What cheeses me right off is when the board goes into ‘database error’ meltdown in the middle of a search, so you have to wait five minutes to do the exact same search. Pathetic.

I use the “new posts” button and sometimes I accidentally double click on it making it think I did a second search which then provides me with the 300 seconds error message. And then I can’t back arrow to where the first “new posts” was.

Yes, but we have these other great features. There’s text boxes you can type in, and buttons you can click, and even smilies.