or as we call it in UK Mothering Sunday. How can I find the date this falls on in the coming years. Googlefu turned up nothing except the current years date of March 26th. A list or lookup location for the first day of lent (Ash Wednesday) would work as the 4th Sunday will be 32 days after that.
Since the period of Lent is determined by the date of Easter, you can use any of the known Easter algorithms (such as the one developed by [url=http://www.henk-reints.nl/easter/index.htm?frame=easteralg2.htm9Carl Friedrich Gauss to determine the date of Easter Sunday. Then you count backwards three weeks to determine Laetare, as this Sunday is also called (especially in Rman Catholicism).
Ought to fix that miscoded link. It’s http://www.henk-reints.nl/easter/index.htm?frame=easteralg2.htm
Another good source for Easter algorithms is http://users.chariot.net.au/~gmarts/eastalg.htm.