is tracking political endorsements on for the Presidential race. They have made up a point system and have a tracker on the home page. They claim that endorsements (from other current elected officials: Governors, Senators, and Representatives) are a good predictor of success.
According to their count, Hillary Clinton has been endorsed by 9 Governors, 30 Senators, and 114 Representatives :eek: giving her nearly twice as many “endorsement points” as the entire GOP field combined.
Trump has zero endorsements.
This is an interesting way to look at the race, and I’m glad someone is counting this. I think the point weighting system is basically something they pulled out of their asses, but it makes some intuitive sense. In most cases, a Representative’s endorsement means a lot less than a Governor’s.
On the Republican side, Christie and Huckabee have more endorsements than I would expect. I certainly don’t think either of those guys has a chance.
Do you think endorsements by other politicians matter?