7 Jan 2021 and beyond - the aftermath of the storming of the Capitol

Just came across this statement, too - more downbeat than the headline:

“yelled at the judge”
“sovereign citizen”
“decided to represent herself”

Three things that should never appear in a news story about your criminal trial.

Likely followed by:

“Removed for a court ordered psychiatric evaluation”

Not if you actually want to be acquitted.

Here’s some news: McCarthy pulls his 5 GOP members from 1/6 committee after Pelosi rejects 2 of his picks

Fuck them. Jim Jordan wasn’t going to anything but say stupid shit at the top of his lungs.

And Republicans already voted to not even have a commission. If there are any sane, responsible, patriotic Republicans, they can participate- they have my permission. Otherwise, fuck them like McConnell fucks democracy.

“And he took all his marbles home with him, too.”

I thought he lost 'em.


He’ll have his chance, when he’s called as a witness.

That brings up a good question. Can a even Rep serve on an investigation were they are a potential target?

Maybe this was the right move, but I’m afraid the precedent being set is going to lead to the House Majority being able to veto who the minority can appoint to committees. Right now it’s about a select committee, but if Rs take back the House they may decide that Katie Porter’s too much of a pain in the ass on Oversight and Reform or that Financial Services gives AOC too much of a platform.

But maybe that’s the path we’re on inevitably.

The resolution that established the committee specifically said the Speaker can reject appointments. It doesn’t set a precedent for general committee assignments.

It’s so unfair how the Nazis weren’t allowed to submit any members to the tribunal at Nuremberg.

Let’s not forget that a felony conviction also means that he’s prohibited from owning firearms. That’s probably going to bother him more than anything.

Like that’ll stop him.

He will likely meet likeminded friends in prison and reflect upon how to be a better criminal. Maybe he will find time to write a manifest, like Hitler did.

Of course, it’s not going to stop him. He’ll see it as a challenge to his personal freedumb and identity. He’ll start stockpiling guns immediately.

I realize that it’s only illegal on paper for him, and unlikely to actually deter him. Until and unless he gets busted for something else and the authorities find a pistol on him. In some cases/states, that’s a ten-year sentence.