7 Warning Signs of Bogus Science

Thank you, zoid, your uncalled-for flipness had been duly noted.

After several re-readings of your OP and my reply, I am still struggling to understand how you could equate the claimed existence of an after-life with “the odd miracle or two”.


If I’m not mistaken, the list of the Seven Warning Signs of Pseudoscience was originally given by Irving Langmuir, at a lecture he gave at General Electric back in the 1950s. The lecture was reprinted several years ago in Physics Today. It’s been kinda hard to get hold of – the PT article was the first generally available copy I know of – but it was well-known in the physics community shortly adfter it came out, and it has probably been widely quoted without true knowledge of its source.

Surely, if life is something separate from our physical selves then Physics, as we understand it, is wrong, or at the very least seriously incomplete. That looks like a violation to me, though the toss is there to be argued.

It’ won’t go in my permanent record will it!?

Well, Physics IS incomplete – we don’t even have a GUT yet, and both Relativity and Quantum Mech are still being cleaned up. Doesn’t make it a violation. Besides, LAD may be a misnomer – many religions hold that death is very, very real and the disembodied “soul” is incomplete (thus requiring either resurrection, reincarnation, joining with “god” or obliteration into nirvana). THAT is unfalsifiable by “Physics, as we understand it”, for the time being :wink: