For those who thought the Skeptic News site was dead and buried, it’s time to visit it again, as it’s back. For those who aren’t familiar with it, it’s a nice site to check out. I figured there are a few people here who might be interested in it or had been readers of it, so I thought I’d spread the word.
I’ll believe it when I see it
Thanks, Legomancer! That is one of the links I lost when my old computer died, so I didn’t even know the site was down! Good thing I hadn’t tried to look for it before now.
Oh, ye of little faith! (Well, it shouldn’t be a surprise that skeptics would want evidence!)
Yes, the Skeptic News is back (and catching up on the backlog). Keep me honest, though – bug me when you don’t see an update!
While I’m plugging sites, I should also mention Skeptic Planet, a site I run that lets you search 40 skeptic sites.
Hmm . . . I tried to post this earlier, but apparently those poor overworked hamsters ate it.
Welcome to the SDMB, Wally!. Pull up a keyboard and make yourself at home!