8 hz

This fell off my post.

Maybe it’s the answer to this.

Are we talking about the resonant frequency of the brain or the skull? Brains are soft and squishy, they might have a resonant freq, but they won’t shatter. And being encased in the skull, I don’t think anything would happen even if they were vibrated at 8 Hz.
But then, I’m also skeptical about the skull being susceptible to a resonant freq.

Maybe the OP is asking about brainwaves. The brain generates electrical energy and different states have different frequencies. 8 Hz. is in the alpha range, which is an alert, waking state. Some people think that the people can conscuiously affect the frequency of their brains, and therefore the state of their consciousness, through biofeedback. One of the first sites that Google offered: http://www.alphalearning.com/brainwavel.htm

My personal opinion is that these frequencies are a valid part of neurology research, but also the focus of much new age nonsense.

Paying three fifty for a standard beer would be good. They average about four fifty though. An imported beer tends to be five or five fifty. But this one place my wife likes to go is outrageous. Shall I just say: eight hurts.

I think that might be a load of old cobblers; according to this earthquake FAQ, the earth ‘rings like a bell’ after large earthquakes, but at a frequency measured in cycles per hour!

I was going to point out that you meant “damp” rather than “dampen”, but a dictionary check reveals that Merriam Webster has given up on this distinction, so I won’t.

Instead I’ll mention an episode of the “Twilight Zone” (you know, that twilighty show about that zone) (or just possibly it was “Tales from the Dark Side”) where a man killed his wife and young lover by locking them in a soundproof room and bombarding them with sound at 7 Hz. They ran around clutching their heads in apparent distress and then died. The evil murderer/cuckold guy uttered the immortal line “7 hertz really hurts. Bwa hah hah hah ha haaa…”

7 hz really hurts…genius

So, your answer to my question, “What do you mean by the question ‘8 hertz’?” is:

“7 hertz”?


It appears that I will now have to live the rest of my life in the pits of ignorance with regards to sacred geometry.

Adam read this http://www.intent.com/sg/

Um, yeah.