80's trivia

I got a pathetic 76 at http://www.liquidgeneration.com/quiz/80s_quiz.asp

Mod’s if this is better in a different forum please move and smack me with the wet noodle

LOL…You kicked my butt. I only got 60.

The movies section killed me. I missed out on a lot of '80s movies. I guess I am finally going to have to break down and watch Star Wars…

84 :cool:

My rank: Brat Packian


Brat Packian

  1. “Knight Rider” I’m so embarrassed…


I got beat down…50, 100% on the Potporri though
Not bad for not having been alive for better than 30% of the decade, IMHO

I got only 56. My parents limited my tv exposure. We had no cable, so I’d never seen any of those cartoons. The name Axel Foley sounds awfully familiar, but they never say what show he’s from.

Oh, and thanks a lot

“Believe it or not, I’m walking on air…”

  1. Brat packian

I can remeber what happened 20 years ago, and I can’t remember who called me yesterday.

84 here.

Got all the music and potpourri though.

Yeah, me.

Um, 95.

That makes me RAD-ILICIOUS.

I pride myself on knowing lot of useless information.

  1. I got spanked on the music but made it up in potpourri and the cartoon part of TV. And you know you’re a hopeless pop culture geek when you’re correcting quizzes of that sort, i.e. the name is Marc Summers, not Mark.

I got 71, but some of these questions were dumb. The writer of the quiz liked “Who’s the Boss”, “Family Ties”, cartoons and crap.

If you call this a fair test.


Lame. I got through 18 of the questions before quitting in disgust. I got maybe 3 right, and those were just luck. Maybe if I would’ve lived in front of bad sitcoms in the 80s I would’ve done better.

  1. Shouldn’t have played outside so much.

65, but I didn’t even turn 10 until 1994, so I don’t know every obscure bit of 80’s info…yet.

74- but I got all the music ones right :smiley:

I got a 79. Missed a LOT of the TV questions - I’ve never been a big television watcher. Would you believe I’ve never seen an entire episode of “Growing Pains?” S’true.

I was a “Greatest American Hero” addict once upon a time, though.

Was anyone else bothered by, not the number of mistakes (the Mark/Marc one pointed out above) but the misspellings? Ewwwww.


<<sigh>> how am I supposed to remember the color of Mr Miyagi’s house?

78, Brat Packian. It was the music what done me in.

I suck, although I kicked in the music category.