9/11 was an inside job

Well, sure, those nano-termites are vicious little bastids but don’t they prefer wood to steel?

Wait! The Iron Curtain came down. Our differences with the soviets have been evaporating over the last 25 years. You know what that means!

The alien invasion is underway! They are among us!


But yeah, the correct spelling is thermite (yes, auto correct dictionary, that is a word), and for truthers is just like grasping at nano straws:

A drive-by and a join date of Jun 2012…

The Straight Dope’s war on ignorance is clearly a guerilla war. Just as an area like ground zero has apparently been pacified, a civilian dons a foil hat, does a drive-by attack then disappears back into the crowd.

Wearing a tinfoil lined hat is uncomfortable. You’d have to put another cloth or felt inner lining into the hat, which makes it rather bulky and quite hot in the summer. Sort of like wearing those X Ray aprons, only on your head.

Geez, I’d a thunk someone wudda got this by now, but here goes: Thomas Dolby, from his album The Golden Age of Wireless.

“She’s tidied up and I can’t find anything!!!”

I thought 9/11 was caused by Roland putting Black Thirteen in a locker under the World Trade Center.

Sure, but they’re so tiny that only Truthers can see um.

So… nano-termites are actually Roswell Rods?

Isn’t Roswell Rods a porn star?

Third Monday of the month already?

So has Architects & Engineers managed to purge their proud ranks of such great engineers as Heywood Jablowme and Richard Cranium? Didn’t they have nothing but clowns and software engineers once those folks were gone?

Here are drive by links to some debunking sites. They have REAL experts in them.

Debunking 911 CTs and Exploding Myths. Popular Mechanics Special Report. I haven’t looked through these, but since you like YouTube, here are several debunking videos from YouTube. Here is an excerpt (on YouTube again so you should love it) from History Channels excellent debunking special. I suggest you watch the whole 2 hour special (9/11: Fact or Fiction).

Some threads from this board discussing this in the past. Most of these are recent (I did a search on threads with 9/11 in the title that were less than 2 years old…there are LOTS more threads on this board on this subject if you bother looking for them). As you can see, the subject has been discussed here quite extensively…and you aren’t the first poster to wander in with a link to a YouTube video that we all MUST see! :stuck_out_tongue:

After you’ve read through and watched the above links (I’m certain you will, since you want to get to the Truther, and all), and assuming you want to come back and discuss any of this (:dubious:), present the aspects of 9/11 that you think most convincingly demonstrate that it was an inside job and I’m pretty sure you’ll have plenty of 'dopers to discuss this with you. My money is on this being a drive by, and you slinking off after your first post there, but maybe you’ll stick around until at least the second page of beating.


They had musicians as well, apparently.

Number of views so far: 288,000.

[Troy McClure] Just ask this scientician! [/TM]

Number of people who idly clicked the link but didn’t bother to watch it when they realized it was two and a half hours long: 287,962 (estimated)

I don’t think anybody knows this, but the missiles that brought down the towers were launched from the grassy knoll. Hitler bought that plot in the 50’s and has got quite a lot of use out of it. Yes, Hitler is alive and well in South America, still causing trouble of course. He funds candidates that oppose infrastructure improvements here in the US, which will eventually lead to the trains not running on time.

I’m not worried. With solid Americans like you ever watchful, I feel confident no evildoer shall ever go unpunished for long.

Or maybe the OP is Canadian. Maybe he’s the same Canadian who buttonholed me in a Bangkok bar one night and commenced to regale me with a tale of 9/11 being the gummint tearing down the towers for the scrap-metal value. The video might be a clue, but I can’t watch it anytime soon, as I must wash my hair.

EDIT: Oh, Good Lord! :eek: I just clicked on his User Profile, and he is Canadian! I think we’ve met before, yes I do.

Please make your own arguments if you’re going to start a discussion here. I think just about every conceivable September 11th conspiracy theory “controversy” has been discussed at great length on this board, including the idea that experts have ruled out the plane crash and fire as the cause collapse of the buildings. So if you’re not going to add anything or take the time to explain your views, I’ll just close this.