'90s Nostalgia...for us younger people

I vaguely remember Nickelodeon showing that cartoon some early mornings. It’s my favorite show too, I hope someone decides to make more episodes. :frowning:

Oh an I just remembered a show vaguely…you know the racing show on Cartoon Network with Dick Dastardly?

and Dastardly dog?

forget the name

It was in the late 80s rather than the 90s, but does anyone else remember Duckula on Nick? Who can forget a show about a vegetarian vampire duck?

Did anyone else watch Are You Afraid of the Dark? The stories were always cheesy as hell, but I loved the opening sequence and the concept of the Midnight Society.

I had some of the Dick Tracy action figures, but I have no earthly idea what became of them.

What about Squeeze Pops, as I think they were called? I still see the tubes of strawberry or watermelon goo in Spencer’s Gifts, but I haven’t had the urge to eat one since I was 12.

I want to say Aaron Spelling produced The Heights, a short-lived show that ran after 90210, that was all about a band. They had a song out called “How Do You Talk to Angel?”

Glamour Shots were a huge fad amongst the popular set at my junior high. Everyone who possibly could had themselves photographed in the same feather boa and cheesy hat. Even then, I thought it was amusing that everyone seemed to have the same idea of what constituted glamour.

Modeling seemed like a big deal in the 90s, what with the Fashion Cafe and RuPaul and all. After my mom bugged me endlessly about how it would teach me how to stand and build up my confidence, I agreed to take a modeling class. I spent a few weeks walking down a practice runway to New Order’s “Bizarre Love Triangle,” which I still can’t stand, and had some really good photos taken. When the class was over, the woman who ran the small agency wanted me to keep on with it. Already a long-standing geek with worries about my alternacool cred, I refused. Then everyone told me I was stupid. So much for the confidence-builder.

Sassy, back before it 1) became just another YM clone and 2) folded. I loved that mag.

I’ve heard that Beavis and Butthead is supposed to be on TNN eventually…this fall, maybe?

I never watched that show. But after that little kid burned down his house, my parents made sure to ask me multiple times if I was sure I’d never watched it and to tell me not to watch it because it was a bad, bad show.


Y’all are too young for nostalgia. Ya gotta have at least 10 years between you and high school. :wink:


…I have ten years between me and second grade. Can I reminisce about that? :slight_smile:


I used to have a steel pog - a slammer or something? - and a whole bunch of cardboard ones. I played the game maybe once or twice… it was kinda stupid. I liked pogs more for the designs.

Best cartoon EVER!!! It says on the Nickelodeon website that they put it very early in the morning on weekends but I never saw it then.

Anyone remember the show Ghostwriters? I don’t know what station it was on but that show was cool :slight_smile:

Amazing what I’ve missed… even more amazing what I remember!

I’ve been in Taiwan too long :frowning: Interestingly enough, pogs even reached Taiwan. Seems like we get all the fads, too, just after a (short) time delay.

MannyL, I thought I was the only person who had EVER seen Turkey TV on Nickelodeon. But that wasn’t 90s (when I saw it); it was more like 1984 or '85. What a crazy show. I’m sure if I saw it today I would hate it, but I loved it back then.

The station for Ghostwriters was PBS. I think they continued more than I was able to see them (my local public station didn’t run them anymore after a couple of seasons). At least, until the kids got out of high school and almost all their little cousins knew about the Ghostwriter.