99.1 HFS Is Gone!

For scores of years, HFS stood as a beacon of radio hope in a murky world of Jacksons and musical groups that don’t play their own industries. The HFStival is legendary for bringing some of the hottest alternative acts to the stage, and most, if not all, of my friends have attended the legendary show.

So imagine my surprise when, a few nights ago, around 11:30 (some arbitrary time it seemed), HFS zaps out of existence, replaced with latin music. Latin Music!! Apparently, not even the people working there knew of the impending switch, which arouses some questions about the radio biz.

At any rate, all I’m left with is the not-nearly-as-good DC101. Sirius, here I come. So, if anyone else listened to HFS, come on in and have a nice talk about memories and music.


There have been at least three threads about the loss of this seemingly legendary radio station. Linkage:
http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=296570 in ** the Pit** and two in CS
http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=296630 is one , I won’t torture the hamsters looking for the other.

My condolences though, it sounds like it was a pretty good radio station.

What am I missing here?

I moved to the DC area in late '98 and discovered HFS shortly thereafter. At the time, they seemed pretty cool, but it seemed like it went fast downhill shortly thereafter. For the last three years, it seems like it’s existed only to play pop-punk and post-grunge, two genres that you can hear anywhere else. Are people just lamenting the loss of HFS based on what it used to be?

HFS for years was the mainstay rock station in the DC area, and HFS Festival was the music show in the region.

:: Doffs hat ::
A sad day…

Damn! It appears my searching skills need some honing. I apologize mods.

Don’t sweat it.

WHFS was indeed a legendary station for many years. I grew up in Rockville, MD when they were just a half-assed 200 watt station with no playlist and no recognition. I heard Tommy Keene and Minor Threat for the first time there.