_Video_ gamers: What are you playing now?

The mating dance or whatever it was called cracked me up. I loved it. Your pinatas will not mate with eachother if it is too crowded or if they are sad. Here is a site that had a ton of info. http://pinataisland.info/index.php?title=Main_Page

I bought Halo 3 last week, the day before my (third!) 360 gacked it and started giving me Christmas lights. So I’ve been playing Onimusha 3 on my PS2, instead. Not a great game, but a good time waster. I hate the guy they got to voice Jean Reno’s character. They could at least have given him a French accent.

I’m retarded over Persona 3 right now. I can’t stop playing it, and I’ve had it about a month. I’ve never ever been a grinder, even in my teenage nerd RPG’s on a Saturday Night years, but I love nothing more than just wasting hours and hours in Tartarus.

It appears I’m picking Final Fantasy XI back up after a year and a half WoW hiatus. What I would give to be allowed to convert my gold into gil.

Right now I’m in the middle of Prince of Persia: Rival Swords for the Wii. I just finished the two Gamecube games (Sands of Time and Warrior Within) that, along with Rival Swords (or its Gamecube version The Two Thrones), form the newest PoP story arc. I’ve beaten Metroid Prime 3: Corruption about 1.95 times now, so I wouldn’t say I’m done with that one just yet.

I’m also in the middle of Excite Truck for the Wii, which is unlike any other racing game ever made. After that, I’ve got a whole bunch of Gamecube games and Virtual Console games waiting.

Did you find it hard? I’m trying to determine if I suck, or if I’m just getting the reflexes of a 40 year old.

Did you need to resort to a walk-through, or did all this just come innately to you?

Halo 3 is getting most of my playtime now. It’s not my favorite game, but it is the one that my friends are playing now, and it has good replay value in co-op campaign, even if you don’t like playing with 13 year olds on XBL. I’ve slowly been working my way through Final Fantasy XII on the PS2, and I still haven’t finished the campaign in Neverwinter Nights 2.

Any PC gamers here?

In the little free time I have, I’ve been playing World in Conflict lately - absolutely kick-ass game.

Also the occasional flight in X-Plane, race in Live for Speed, and deathmatch in Doom 3.

The term you’re looking for is console games. Console games and computer games are both video games.

That said, I’ve been playing Bioshock, Tiger Woods 08, and Settlers of Catan on my 360.

I just now started Guitar Hero-ing, and I suck mightily, but I’m getting better. I’ve gone from Easy to Medium in less than a week! Donno if I’ll ever get to Hard, though. FIVE frets?? I only got 4 fingers, man.

I can’t wait for Rock Band, though. I like to sing-a.

In no particular order:

Wii: Metroid Prime 3–I’m about 2/3 of the way through Bryyo.
XBOX 360: Halo 2, towards the very beginning (I suck at FPS games)
PSP: Lumines (what? it’s a great game) and I’ve all but beaten Final Fantasy I.
DS: Final Fantasy III, Mario vs Donkey Kong 2, and Super Mario Bros (the new one)
GBA: Final Fantasy V Advanced, about 25% through.

Basically, I’ve started a ton of games but haven’t beaten any of them.

Final Fantasy IX. What? I missed the Final Fantasy boat growing up and am just catching up on them (thanks, Kingdom Hearts).

Xenosaga, Ep: II. What? I just got a PS2 about six months ago, and other than Star Ocean, Xenosaga Ep:I, and Suikoden 3-4 (which I had played on my roommate’s PS2 in college), the entire library was open and alluring. I have FF12 sitting around with next dibs.

There’s nothing on the new systems that’s remotely appealing to me, especially not for that kind of cost. I’ll probably end up getting a Wii when Fire Emblem comes out, simply because that is a killer app for me, and they’ve said the controls won’t involve the motion sensors. That, and the ability to grab a used copy of the GC Fire Emblem? Those two games are worth buying a Wii right there. As long as I don’t still have to hunt the damn thing down by then…

I’m a Metroid veteran, having cut my teeth on Super Metroid, Metroid Prime, and Metroid Prime 2, so I’m more accustomed than most to the types of puzzles that show up in Metroid Prime 3, and the solutions that go with them. I had to check a walkthrough only to look up the locations of some of the pickups. I first played the game on Normal and found it not difficult. I tried Hyper Mode after that (you unlock it when you beat the game) and started having trouble, to the point where I went back and played it on Veteran.

On Normal mode, you shouldn’t have too much trouble defeating your average baddie, as long as you can dodge, i.e. strafe out of the way by jumping to one side. That’s the key skill that makes the more difficult fights possible.

Just got Rainbow 6: Vegas for PS3, and it’s a great game.

I’m waiting for the new Medal of Honor, Assassins Creed, and especially Army of Two.

Stop making love to Bioshock! Become one of us!

I’m…I’m still stuck in Haloland…and I’m find with being stuck there for a while.