A base jumper was seriously injured in the show in shanghai,china

The show was not cancelled instead celebrated for the first chinese skydiver’s successful performance with flowers and smoke…just like nothing happened…

what do you think about the matter?
Do you think it showed respect to the wounded?
Will this accident influence other jumpers to have show in shanghai anymore?
Will jinmao tower loose its fame since then?
or just like nothing happened?


I don’t know about this aspect of Chinese culture, but in North America (and probably Europe) there is a strong sense of “the show must go on.” While a play or a concert may come to a halt if a chief performer is stricken (and probably not if it is a minor character), large athletic or mechanical displays such as track meets, car races, and airshows tend to rumble right on through with only a passing reference to the fallen, even if someone has died. (Having assembled a very large number of performers at great cost and a huge number of viewers (accepting alot of admission money) for an event that my run from eight hours to four days, there is a certain amount of inertia to not waste the efforts (and money) of everyone who came out of some sense of respect for one or more small number of individuals–who could just as easily have died in a car crash on their way to the field, although with less memorable results.)

Huh. I note from your location that you’re in Shanghai. Was this not covered well, or are you just not a news junky, or what? (I hope that doesn’t sound snarky, because I’m genuinely curious.) Not that I’d heard of the event before Googling it, but it seems to have gotten some coverage, and I would have thought heavy coverage in Shanghai:

Sydney Morning Herald (the jumper was Australian).
China Daily
People’s Daily Online

Not enough information provided to form a proper opinion.
What kind of show was this?
Exactly what were the injuries?
Please provide a link.


I think it show that all their base are belong to us.