A bathroom scale, the Mona Lisa, my couch...

What do those things have in common? (take a guess before peeking at answer below) Can you name more?

Purely hands-free operation.

[quote=“The_Controvert, post:1, topic:615686”]

What do those things have in common?

They would all make you very ill if you tried to eat them.

You use the first to mind your weight, the second you have to not mind waiting to see, and the third you use when you want to take a weight off your mind.

They were all creations of da Vinci?

Three things that have never been in my kitchen.

All of them tell you your weight, except the last two.

All of them are dirty (you can clean upholstered furniture, you know :)).

(Also, I got upholstered spelled right the first time. I was just hoping to be close enough for the spell check to know what I meant.)

Things that break when you sit on them.

I have touched my penis to each of them, when nobody was looking.

They’re all part of a new modern art installation project?

Hmm, perhaps this is harder than I thought. Okay here’s another one: slippers.

None of them have eyebrows.

They all have a lowercase ‘o’.


This. I was going to say “Three things that have never been in Antinor01’s kitchen”.

Things you can fit up your ass.

A second vote for “things that are dirty.” I thought of this because of the recent publicity about a copy of the Mona Lisa. It’s had the varnish removed from the face, and looks really wonderful compared to the real thing.

I looked at your answer, and would have never thought of that.

Things made in Italy.


That was my thought, too.

Wait, is the line in the spoiler supposed to be the answer, or a hint? I assumed it was your answer. ETA: Is “slippers” another hint?