A Bible question: Why were there herds of swine in ancient Israel at the time of Jesus?

For example, carrier pigs to send messages.

Isn’t it possible that enough Jews at the time ignored dietary rules to make swine herding profitable? The best pork I was ever served was in a Morrocan valley renowned for it. I shared such a meal with several Muslims who were quite open about this small vice (“Petit péché” I think is the term I heard used with one’s finger and thumb slightly apart - Morrocans use the same gesture when they confide to Westerners that they are occasional drinkers.)

Deviled Ham, yummy. :stuck_out_tongue:
I can’t be the only one to think this.

I was gonna add: Don’t forget the country was kind of under pagan management at the time.


There’s a cure for that.

Bacon! Another thing the Romans did for them…

You never made a rasher statement.

Well, Jews do control the media.

I was going to say, Israel was under Roman rule at Jesus’ time. There was a sufficient Roman presence to support a non kosher swine industry. See the mention of several Roman centurions. Men who were in command of 100 soldiers. They had to be fed. And there were Greeks living there- there were tensions between Greek Christians and Jewish Christians in the early Jerusalem church. The Greeks not keeping kosher was one of the causes of those tensions. The presence of these non Jews and their blatant disregard for Jewish traditions was a cause for several revolts and a general hatred for the occupiers.

My buddy always used to say that story sounded like “hogwash”

Someone turned me on to this video. Most of it made sense to me. I really appreciate your question.

45 minutes long. Summary?
Are you sure that’s not your channel?

Basically, it’s biblical, geographic and historical evidence supporting the idea that Jesus traveled to Spain for this pig episode. It’s a history Channel thing but I’m not sure who’s youtube account the link is from.

Also, the prodigal son goes off to a distant country (Luke 15:13). So that’s probably not Palestine.


The video is probably something like this.

So did Jesus pay compensation to the owners of these pigs?
“Thou shalt not steal”, you know.

…34 And when once they had told everyone in the city about every thing that had happened, they went unto the pig baron of Nazareth and related unto him their explanation of where his pigs had gotten to.

35 And the pig baron sayeth unto them: “Describe ye this man who casts demons into other people’s livestock.” And they did describe unto him the visage of Jesus.

36 And the pig baron sayeth unto them: “Wait a minute. That sounds like the same guy who cursed my fig tree to death!”

37 And they that had (until that morning) tendendedeth the swine marveled at the small world which would see the same man doing both of those things.

38 And Jesus did say unto them: “Thou idiots, it’s no coincidence. Clearly, this guy isn’t a fan of us Gentiles. He’s getting to be a pain in mine ass; thou hadst better take care of him.”

Knowing the standards of the History Channel, we’re talking biblical, geographic and historical “evidence”.


I’m not saying it was alien pigs, but it was alien pigs.

Pigs are worth money. Why would you not want to raise them?