booka: You are ignorant of several things. The correct forum to post this is the least of them, though this being here allows me to treat you like the troll you are.
First of all, to answer your question with a question, please disprove God.
Go right ahead. You brought it up to begin with so the burden of proof (or disproof as the case may be) is on you.
Oh wait. You can’t do this, can you schmuck.
No, you cannot disprove God.
You see, it’s called faith, booga. One does not need evidence for faith, in fact the very definition of faith is believing something without any evidence to support it.
Maybe if you didn’t jump in with your three-post bad self and lurked around a bit, you would notice a couple of things.
- This issue has been brought up here before countless times.
- You’re a fucking asshole.
- The issue has been brought up throughout history by philosophers and scientists.
- You are a fucking moron.
- All of the people who brought it up before - here and since the dawn of civilization - are smarter than you.
- You’re a fucking idiot.
You want “proof” that God exists? You’ll find it when you want to find it. You want an intelligent philosophical debate? Actually, no, you don’t. That is pretty obvious. (You also couldn’t handle it, but this is even more noticable).
Frankly, I hope you do find God and become the most die-hard fundie Christian around. You see, they are often total assholes too, and you’ll fit right in.
Yer pal,
Four months, one week, six days, 23 hours, 49 minutes and 28 seconds.
5439 cigarettes not smoked, saving $679.96.
Life saved: 2 weeks, 4 days, 21 hours, 15 minutes.[/sub]
"Satan is not an unattractive person."-Drain Bead
[sub]Thanks for the ringing endorsement, honey!*[/sub]