A Busy Godder is a Godly Godder

I’ve heard say that all religions are simply enabling mechanisms for survival.

I think that this is quite true.

So, prove me wrong - show me how religion is not an enabling mechanism for survival, but instead, simply a manifestation of God’s existence.

Um…why is this in the Pit? Oh Moderators, please rescue God from the flames.

I think it’s in the pit because these types of debates generally disintegrate quite quickly. Perhaps booka is forward thinking and expects as much, therefore has tried to spare the moderators the trouble.

And seeing as this is the pit, fuck off Black12. Go start your own piece of shit Great Debate if you want one.

So, answer the fuckin’ question!

“Moderators! Please, oh please, we need a nice Moderator here to keep this icky person from putting Gawd in the flames of the Pit!”

GaWd? Where’s GaWd? I like it when GaWd’s in the Pit.

This may sound like an over-simplified answer, but I really think it is true.

Religion is what you make of it. If you are already conviced of what religion is, no one is going to change your mind. It all depends on the reference point you are coming from.

Ok, fine. This is actually something I think about a lot. I don’t believe in God, but I understand why people do. It is my opinion that most people need to believe in something stabilizing because without it they’re paralized by fear. People become Born Again at the lowest point in their lives for a reason. They are out of control and they need to believe in something that can take responsibility away from them. No one wants to believe that when they die there’s nothing else. If they can tell themselves they will go to a better place, then this life wasn’t so insignificant after all. Well, I’m not thrilled about only having this one chance, but the idea of accepting God and being saved, yada yada yada, seems so absurd to me.

Ok, I’m making an appearance…

But I think herr Newbie should ask for this thread to be closed and dredge up the 100 or so GD threads on this matter.

Happy Black? :slight_smile:


Perhaps because OPs which do nothing more than state a contestable propostion and invite others to prove them wrong, without first making and effort to substantiate the assertion, will inevitably attract a Pit-worthy response.

Yes indeed, Tom.

Hey there, bookaboy, whyn’t you show us how, precisely, religion is “an enabling mechanism for survival.” Then we refute that. Demanding a negative proof is just silly.

Post your thoughts and opinions backed by tangible evidence. You are empty handed and lack points for your argument. Provide some research and come back.

(Who owns this sock puppet?)

For what its worth, I’m a theist because I can not imagine that the universe just happened. I believe that it was created. Given that, I believe that it must have been created for a purpose. Given that, Christianity, stripped of raving fundys, creationists, and people in white sheets who want to kill all non-aryans, provides the most reasonable explanations available thus far.

booka: You are ignorant of several things. The correct forum to post this is the least of them, though this being here allows me to treat you like the troll you are.

First of all, to answer your question with a question, please disprove God.

Go right ahead. You brought it up to begin with so the burden of proof (or disproof as the case may be) is on you.

Oh wait. You can’t do this, can you schmuck.

No, you cannot disprove God.

You see, it’s called faith, booga. One does not need evidence for faith, in fact the very definition of faith is believing something without any evidence to support it.

Maybe if you didn’t jump in with your three-post bad self and lurked around a bit, you would notice a couple of things.

  1. This issue has been brought up here before countless times.
  2. You’re a fucking asshole.
  3. The issue has been brought up throughout history by philosophers and scientists.
  4. You are a fucking moron.
  5. All of the people who brought it up before - here and since the dawn of civilization - are smarter than you.
  6. You’re a fucking idiot.

You want “proof” that God exists? You’ll find it when you want to find it. You want an intelligent philosophical debate? Actually, no, you don’t. That is pretty obvious. (You also couldn’t handle it, but this is even more noticable).

Frankly, I hope you do find God and become the most die-hard fundie Christian around. You see, they are often total assholes too, and you’ll fit right in.

Yer pal,

Four months, one week, six days, 23 hours, 49 minutes and 28 seconds.
5439 cigarettes not smoked, saving $679.96.
Life saved: 2 weeks, 4 days, 21 hours, 15 minutes.[/sub]

"Satan is not an unattractive person."-Drain Bead
[sub]Thanks for the ringing endorsement, honey!*[/sub]

Satan, Brian. I never, ever post a ‘good post’ post, but I must say. That quite nearly brought a tear to my eye. That was a perfect, perfect post. Thank you.


Yay!! I’ve found GaWd!!

I have accepted GaWd into my heart and now I am saved.

And thank you Satan, for making this a Pit-worthy thread.


Satan can have a shiny sticker on his sticker chart for being a Good Helper. Do you want a dinosaur, a race car, or a robot?


Over 20 billion served! :smiley:


Is it okay to say, “Satan rules!” in a thread about God?

Ah, who cares. Satan rules!

If you wanted a debate, you should have posted in GD. But the way the OP is presented makes me hesitant to move this thread there. And I agree with andros: you should probably back up your own position before you demand that others prove you wrong.

Rephrase your post as either a rant or a request for intelligent debate and start a thread in the appropriate forum. But before you start your version of this age-old debate, I’d highly recommend reading the various existing GD religion threads.

You may be getting in over your head.